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E <br />10SEHERNANDEZ I ARDURRA I Paget <br />On -Call Civil Engineering Services for Various Public Works <br />Projects, City of La Habra, CA. Project Manager and QA/QC Manager <br />for providing professional engineering services on an as -needed basis <br />in support of the La Habra Engineering Division. Projects have included <br />residential street rehabilitation; intersection widening; curb, gutter, <br />and sidewalk replacement; storm drain improvement; and waterline <br />upgrades. Prepared construction documents for 3 miles of arterial street <br />rehabilitations including all PS&E for bidding and construction of the <br />proposed improvements. The intent of this project is to renovate roadway <br />pavement and reconstruct deteriorated concrete improvements. <br />Jasmine Storm Drain Low -Flow Diversion Design, Capital <br />Program Management, City of Laguna Beach, CA. Project <br />Manager overseeing the design of a low -flow system design for <br />the Jasmine Street Storm Drain project. The project design includes <br />diverting urban flows toward a trash collection system and a sewer <br />diversion device. <br />Century Villages at Cabrillo —The Cove, Phase VI Development, <br />Century Affordable Development, Inc., Long Beach, CA. Project <br />Manager providing civil engineering design services to accommodate <br />the Century Villages at Cabrillo — Phase VI Development. The project <br />included redevelopment of the northeastern area of the CVC campus, <br />just south of Casa De Cabrillo, to make room for additional residential <br />units. The project boundary consists ofjust over one acre located <br />northwest of the intersection of Williams Street and Willard Street. The <br />project site was populated with existing structures that were removed. <br />The overall project involved demolition of the existing structures, <br />realignment of the existing street (Williams Street), realignment of the <br />existing utilities within the street that will conflict with the proposed <br />building footprint, and the construction of 4-story residential building <br />consisting of primarily studio units. Existing structures required <br />hazardous material abatement that was performed by others. Tasks <br />include developing SWPPP reports in accordance with the general <br />permit uploading them to the State SMARTS website, coordinating with <br />project owners (and LRPs), and performing project inspections. <br />Community Development Review of the Indio Supportive <br />Housing Project, Century Affordable Development, Inc., Indio, <br />CA. Project Manager for providing preliminary civil engineering services <br />associated with the delivery of the Indio Supportive Housing Project. <br />The project consists of a development with approximately 200 to 230 <br />dwelling units (DU) on approximately 9.2 acres. CADI proposed to <br />develop the parcels 1, 2, 3, and 4located southwest of the intersection <br />of Spruce Street and Fir Street in the City of Indio. The project site is <br />bounded by an existing RV and boat storage facility to the west, a <br />towing and automotive repairfacility to the north, some commercial <br />buildings to the east, and a multi -family apartment complex to the <br />south, across Dr. Carreon Blvd. The existing site has multiple easements <br />that need to be incorporated into the project design, modified to <br />accommodate the new development, or vacated. The easements are <br />for ingress/egress and utilities. The proposed development consists of <br />multi -family DUs ranging from 200 to 230s with parking, landscaped <br />areas, and trash enclosures. The proposed development will require <br />utility services for sewer, water, electricity, gas, communication, and <br />data. The project will also require stormwater management facilities <br />to ensure the proposed development is protected from future runoff. <br />The scope of work for the preliminary design consists of developing <br />preliminary civil engineering exhibits to support the proposed site <br />plan for the proposed development. The purpose of these exhibits is to <br />support the development review committee approval process. <br />Pedestrian Accessibility Improvements Design (ADA Ramp <br />Program), City of Long Beach, CA. Project Manager/Quality Control <br />for the design of the curb ramps for the City's ramp program. To date, <br />contributed to the design of approximately 130 ramps throughout the <br />city. <br />Randall Avenue Roadway Improvements, City of Rialto, <br />CA. Design Manager forthis project that involved developing ADA <br />improvements along a stretch of roadway almost a mile long. The <br />project included sidewalk improvements (including ADA ramps), <br />striping improvements, and traffic signal improvements. The project <br />involved coordination with residents and City staff. <br />Gateway, Century Affordable Development, Inc., CA* Prior to <br />joining Ardurra, Jose served as Project Manager for this development <br />project that was built within a 1.4-acre portion of the Century Villages <br />at Cabrillo Campus. One of the major components for this project <br />included supporting the design of large landscape area on the campus <br />called the Grand Lawn. The Lawn serves as a focal point for the campus <br />for use in special events and most importantly as a recreational area <br />for children within the campus. In addition to being an active space, <br />the Grand Lawn serves as a stormwater detention basin for the campus <br />since the storm drain system downstream of the campus is inadequate. <br />A pump station was designed to help mitigate stormwater flows within <br />the basin and pump the water out of the basin when it reached high <br />water levels. The project was the 2015 ASCE Development Project of <br />the Year. <br />*Work performed prior to joining Arduno <br />ARDURRA g_g2 City of Santa Ana Water Resources Division <br />RFP 22-002 I May 24, 2022 <br />