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On -Call Structural Assessment Services for City Owned Potable <br />Reservoirs, City of Santa Ana, CA. Crooke Reservoir. Prinicpal <br />structural engineer for a condition assessment the reservoir. <br />Subhash summarized the findings and his recommendations in a <br />report. The next step was the retrofit scheme, including calcu- <br />lations, drawings, and specifications. For the Crooke reservoir. <br />Special attention was paid to the reservoir circulation (inlet pip- <br />ing) to eliminate dead spots. John Garthe Reservoir(s). Structural <br />engineer for security assessments for the reservoirs and grounds. <br />Subhash created plans to mount the intrusion alarms on the roof <br />of the reservoirs. <br />Owner's Agent for San Fernando Valley Groundwater Reme- <br />diation, City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, <br />Various, CA. Principal structural engineer providing technical <br />structural expertise for for two water treatment plants to restore <br />groundwater pumping of drinking water from scores of San Fer- <br />nando wells that were closed in the 1980's. <br />Environmental Learning Center, City of Los Angeles, CA. Princi- <br />pal structural engineer for the seismic evaluation and detailed <br />design of the three-story concrete building with precast panels <br />and connections for the building facade. Performed detailed seis- <br />mic analyses, identified deficiencies and developed design details <br />for retrofits. This is a LEED certified building. <br />Yorba Linda Hydroelectric Power Plant Turbine Facility, Met- <br />ropolitan Water District of Southern CA, Yorba Linda, CA. <br />Managing engineer for a structural plan check and peer review <br />of contract documents and structural calculations prepared by <br />MWD. Subhash provided a detailed review of plans to replace the <br />existing turbine facility at Yorba Linda Hydroelectric Power Plant. <br />Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer and South Carlsbad Village Storm <br />Drain, City of Carlsbad, CA. Principal structural engineer for review <br />of contractor submittals and requests for information for the <br />project. <br />Seven Wells Project, Goleta Water District, Goleta, CA. Principal <br />structural engineer providing engineering and design services <br />for five of the seven wells in Goleta, including the Airport Well, El <br />Camino, San Antonio, San Marcos, and University well sites. Services <br />included reviewing existing drawings and documents, editing <br />the structural specifications, and the final design, including a ring <br />foundation and anchorage details and foundation for a four -foot <br />diameter chemical storage tank at all five sites. For the El Camino <br />Well Site, he provided a replacement of the electrical and chemical <br />room wall common to the building and reservoir. At the San Marcos <br />Well Site, he determined that all wood roof members of the existing <br />building would require replacement due to termite infestation. For <br />the University Well Site, Subhash provided a foundation design for a <br />new 12-foot diameter filter tank supported on four legs. <br />Silver Lake Reservoir Complex Master Plan, City of Los Angeles, <br />Los Angeles, CA. Principal structural engineer providing a review <br />Subhash Patel, PE, SE I Page 2 <br />of the geotechnical report for the master plan of two -reservoirs <br />and their recreation potential. <br />Potrero Canyon Park Project Design Services, Los Angeles De- <br />partment of Public Works, Los Angeles, CA. Principal structural <br />engineer for a stormwater capture project that involved stabilizing <br />canyon walls to support the properties at the top of the canyon, <br />plus the creation of a natural park, including a riparian habitat with <br />an intermittent water way fed by the urban and stormwater runoff. <br />Subhash provided the structural design services for a stormwater <br />lift station to supply the 7.8-acre riparian habitat. <br />Grit Dewatering/Odor Control Facility, Sanitation Districts of Los <br />Angeles County, CA. Principal structural engineer for modifica- <br />tion of the existing grit chambers and new grit dewatering/odor <br />control facility. Also designed new screening facilities, new tun- <br />nels and shops as part of wastewater treatment plant expansion. <br />Alta Seawater Project, Port of Los Angeles, San Pedro, CA. <br />Principal Structural Engineer providing structural engineering ser- <br />vices for a 35-acre urban ocean -based research facility, located <br />at City Dock #1 at the Port of Los Angeles. Mr. Patel is working on <br />the structural design of various facilities, including laboratories, <br />auditoriums, classrooms, and free open public spaces. <br />System Wide Collection System Pumping Plants Rehabilitation, <br />City of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works, Los Angeles, <br />CA. Principal structural engineer for four pumping plants, Fries, <br />Wilmington, Hawaiian and San Pedro. Work included modifica- <br />tion to wet well slide grating frame, replacing the emergency <br />generator and electrical equipment, replacing pumps, adding <br />new aluminum doors to wet well, and adding new stair monorail <br />and guardrail. <br />Westchester Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) <br />Project, City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA. Principal structural <br />engineer for preliminary and final design. The project involved <br />the design of a diversion channel, diversion structure, 5.0 MG <br />underground detention basin including screening and pumping <br />facilities, and an underground infiltration basin. Subhash coordi- <br />nated with screening suppliers and incorporated their require- <br />ments in the design. He prepared cost estimates for the structur- <br />al portion of the work. <br />Santa Margarita River Conjunctive Re -Use Project, Fallbrook <br />Public Utility District, Fallbrook, CA. Principal structural engi- <br />neer providing structural engineering services for the advanced <br />water treatment plant that will allow Camp Pendleton and City <br />of Fallbrook to utilize well water from the Santa Margarita River <br />basins. The project included a return flow control facility, equal- <br />ization steel tank, iron and manganese filtration, reverse osmosis <br />building, reverse osmosis feed tank and booster pump station, <br />Clearwell tank and pump station, chemical facilities, waste wash - <br />water storage tank, drying bed modifications and Gheen Facility <br />pump station and reservoir. <br />BEYAZ & PATEL <br />/�/ARDURRA [ gj City of Santa Ana Water Resources Division <br />RFP 22-002 1 May 24, 2022 <br />