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�J <br />Relevant Project Experience: <br />Sewer Pipe Protection: Mission Blvd/ SR-71 Interchange- City of Pomona, CA: IDS was retained by CH21VHILL <br />(the Prime consultant on the project) to provide structural engineering services to protect the sewer utilities at <br />the site. The existing sewers, due to planned embankments and walls, are to be loaded such that predicted <br />settlement of the sewers may create damage to the existing pipes. The sewers are owned by the County of Los <br />Angeles Sanitation District. As Project Principal, Said oversaw IDS' team for the Plans, Specifications, and <br />Estimate (PS&E) for agency plan check and approval. <br />• Sewer Line Review, Laguna Royale Condominiums - Laguna Beach, CA: At the base of the Laguna Royale <br />Condominium property, in the soil below Level A, the 78 condominium units are served by a single 8-inch <br />diameter sewer pipe that drops vertically down into the South Coast Water District's (SCWD) sewer tunnel that <br />runs along the coast below this portion of the property. IDS was retained to perform an investigation of the <br />condition and configuration of the sewer lines at Level A, conduct a review of sewer main repairs and prepare <br />preliminary recommendations for sewer main modifications. Scope of work consist of schematic plans showing <br />the proposed modifications to the sewer lines and an opinion of probable cost. Mr. Hilmy was the Project <br />Principal, working the City of Laguna Beach and South Coast Water District to ensure the proposed plans and <br />system modifications adhered to the desired requirements, <br />• Evaluation of Sanitary Sewer System, Arrowhead Springs 1,916-acre Resort, San Bernardino, CA: IDS was <br />retained by Campus Crusade for Christ International to perform asset assessment study for selected facilities of <br />the Arrowhead Springs Resort in San Bernardino, California. The Sanitary Sewer system consists of gravity <br />collection system for the majority of the site. A duplex wet -well pump system services the lower Village area. <br />The Effluent is directed to a treatment plant consisting of an Imhoff Tank, dosing chamber, trickling filter, <br />clarifier and filter, and absorption beds. Scope of work included an assessment to determine the improvements <br />required to allow the resort to operate as a full -service hotel with an operational village facility. As Project <br />Principal, Said directed our team in the development of a plan to repair / replace the watertight conveyance <br />system. <br />• City of Huntington Beach Ranger Sewer Lift Station No. 16, Huntington Beach, CA: As part of overall capital <br />improvement plan, the City of Huntington Department of Public Works Beach has designed and installed several <br />new sewer lift stations to improve service to several of its communities. The existing facility included the <br />construction of a two -compartment concrete enclosure housing subterranean dry pump room and wet well <br />areas. IDS provided comprehensive project management services including daily on -site inspection services. The <br />experience and expertise of the IDS inspector was a key factor in the resolution of many project issues in the <br />area of design, construction means and methods and contract administration. <br />1630 W. Recycled Water Pipeline Segment C-Pipe Supports at Flood Control Channel Crossing at Baseline Road <br />and Alta Cuesta Drive, Inland Empire Utility Agency, Chino, CA: IDS provided construction drawings for the 30" <br />recycled pipe crossing for the 1630 West Recycled Water Project Segment C in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. <br />This project was partially funded by a grant from US Bureau of Reclamation with very tight delivery schedule. <br />IDS evaluated the crossing, developed drawings and prepared the necessary calculations for the pipeline <br />crossing at the San Bernardino Flood Control Channel in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. As Project Principal, <br />Said worked with the governing Agency to ensure quality and completion within the required timeframe. <br />-, IDS GROUP Page 2 <br />�U ARDURRA B-52 City of Santa Ana Water Resources Division <br />RFP 22-002 1 May 24, 2022 <br />