<br />MS/2003/Civil and Environmental
<br />Engineering/California Polytechnic
<br />State University, San Luis Obispo
<br />BS/2001/Civil Engineering/California
<br />Polytechnic State University, San Luis
<br />Obispo
<br />Registrations
<br />2005/PE/Civil/CA #C68339
<br />Certifications
<br />Designated Design -Build
<br />Professional' from the Design -Build
<br />Institute of America (DBIA)
<br />Professional Affiliations
<br />American Society of Civil Engineers
<br />American Water Works Association
<br />Publications
<br />Author and Presenter:
<br />Design Methods forSiee/Liners to
<br />Prevent Collapse by External Pressure
<br />During Relining of Prestressed Concrete
<br />Cylinder Pipe
<br />American Society of Civil Engineers,
<br />Pipeline Division International
<br />Conference: "Pipelines 2004," San
<br />Diego
<br />Years of Experience: 23
<br />/V
<br />Aric Gnesa, PE, DBIA
<br />Design Services, Pipeline Design
<br />Aric Gnesa, PE, DBIA, has 23 years of professional experience in a wide range of engineering tasks and
<br />disciplines including planning, design, and construction management of large and small diameter
<br />(treated, raw water, and sewage) pipelines, pump stations, flow control facilities, and reservoirs.
<br />Temporary positions (3-12 months each) include internships in geotechnical, land surveying, and land
<br />development, and contract consultant (design engineer and construction management) at the San
<br />Diego County Water Authority for 18 months. Prior to completing his formal education, Aric worked in
<br />the construction industry for 8 years as a craftsman, foreman, and project manager. This combination of
<br />practical experience and highly technical education make Aric well suited for a variety of projects and
<br />duties pertaining to civil engineering.
<br />Cale Grade Road Pipeline Replacement, Valley Center Municipal Water District, CA. Project
<br />Manager for the design of approximately 6,930 linear feet of 14-inch-diameter PVC water pipe, connection
<br />details, branch line connections, and relocation of existing appurtenances within the limits of the County
<br />of San Diego project. The project will be bid as a component of the County's Cole Grade Road Improvement
<br />Projectwith all design, construction, and construction phasing coordinated with County staff.
<br />Design -Build of Water Production Wells for Emergency Water Supply at Eleanor Pardee Park
<br />and Library/Community Gardens, City of Palo Alto, CA. Project Engineer for the design of two fully
<br />operational emergency supply water wells connected to the City of Palo Alto's water distribution system.
<br />The well sites are highly visible to the public —one is atthe City's Main Library, adjacent to an important
<br />community garden facility, and the other is at Eleanor Pardee Park, a neighborhood park that provides
<br />children's playgrounds, picnic areas, and an additional community garden. At both sites, design challenges
<br />included the need to develop wellhead facilities that would blend into their surroundings and avoid
<br />introducing inappropriate "industrial" aesthetics into recreational greenspace. In addition, because of City
<br />regulations prohibiting loss of recreational lands, it was essential to minimize the above -ground footprint
<br />of the finished facilities. Effective public outreach and construction noticing were identified as particularly
<br />important for the success of this project, which kicked off immediately following the controversial removal
<br />of several mature trees on California Avenue in the City's central business district.
<br />Emergency Diesel Generator Package 2A Project, City of San Jose, CA. Project Manager for the
<br />addition of an emergency power facility for the San Jose/Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility,
<br />including installation of four EPATier 4i, 3-megawatt, 4.16 kV diesel generators with supporting fuel
<br />storage and delivery systems and emission equipment, and appurtenances. This emergency power facility
<br />is sized to provide backup power for the Regional Wastewater Facility's critical and secondary plant loads
<br />for up to 48 hours without refueling, and will readily accommodate future expansion.
<br />Concrete Water Reservoir Study, City of Menlo Park, CA. Project Managerfor siting study for
<br />new concrete potable water storage reservoir to provide emergency and operational storage for the
<br />City's water system. The project entailed thorough analysis of siting constraints including geologic and
<br />hydrogeologic conditions such as soil type and depth to groundwater. Geometric configurations of the
<br />proposed water reservoir were developed and evaluated and included buried and partially buried options
<br />for circular prestressed and rectangular conventionally reinforced options. The potential forjoint use of
<br />the water reservoir site was also evaluated as well as regulatory constraints posed by the shallow depth to
<br />groundwater.
<br />City of Santa Ana Water Resources Division B-13 /� ARDURRA
<br />RFP 22-0021 May 24, 2022
<br />