<br />Gano Reservoir and Unit X Pipelines, Olivenhain Municipal
<br />Water District, CA. Reservoir and site design development using
<br />AutoCAD, prepare SWPPP for 6.5-MG AWWA D-110 Type I prestressed
<br />concrete reservoir and 10,000 LF of steel transmission pipelines.
<br />Water Supply Backup Well Facility at City Corporation Yard, City
<br />of Menlo Park, CA. Project Manager for 200-hp deep well submersible
<br />pump and piping connections, a 5,000-gallon hyrdopnuematic tank,
<br />onsite disinfection facilities, 350kW Emergency Generator, connection
<br />to City's potable water distribution system, connection to storm drain,
<br />landscaping improvements, and associated electrical and controls for
<br />the wellhead pump station and integration to the Corporation Yard's
<br />electrical power system.
<br />Reservoir Structural Analysis, City of Oceanside, CA. Project
<br />Engineer for the structural analysis of 12 reservoirs,11 of which were
<br />circular concrete. To meet the City's goal of maintaining the water
<br />storage capacity at its maximum, and maintaining the structural
<br />integrity of the reservoirs, a condition assessment and structural
<br />analysis of all reservoirs was performed by Ardurra.
<br />Storm Pump Station No.1, City of Sunnyvale, CA. The facility
<br />consists of an approximately 25'x25'concrete masonry unit structure
<br />with a trash screen, two large natural gas powered duty pumps, one
<br />small electric pump, SCADA components, and three discharge pipes. The
<br />preliminary design report included conducting a complete investigation
<br />and analysis of the existing pump station to establish a basis of design
<br />fora comprehensive rehabilitation and update of the pump station. This
<br />included generating a complete list of deficiencies, and determining
<br />feasible options for rehabilitation and updating. The report presents
<br />alternatives and includes preliminary construction schedules and cost
<br />estimates. The report was used to determine the scope of work to be
<br />used as a basis of design for construction documents.
<br />Lotus Street Sewer Replacement, City of Oceanside, CA. Project
<br />Manager. The project proposes various improvements to the existing
<br />Lotus Street sewer system including removal of approximately 250
<br />linear feet of 6-inch cast iron sewer line and replacement with 8-inch
<br />PVC sewer line; construction of approximately 340 linear feet of new
<br />8-inch PVC sewer line east; manhole rehabilitation/replacement
<br />in conjunction with the proposed new and replacement pipelines, -
<br />abandonment of approximately 600 linear feet of existing sewer
<br />line and associated manholes, and construction of an approximately
<br />50-linear-foot extension of new 8-inch PVC sewer lateral line.
<br />Oceanside Boulevard Sewer Lift Station Relocation, City of
<br />Oceanside, CA. Project Manager for a 2,000-gpm replacement sewer
<br />lift station to pump from the tributary area surrounding Oceanside
<br />Boulevard to the La Salina Wastewater Treatment Plant. The existing
<br />lift station is more than 60 years old and is in poor condition; due to
<br />the critical nature of this pumping facility, this project is a significant
<br />milestone in the ongoing rehabilitation and maintenance of the City's
<br />sewer infrastructure. The new lift station will consist of a custom design
<br />wet pit/dry pit station that has four dry -pit submersible pumps, control
<br />valves, flow meter, odor control system, bioxide injection system, surge
<br />control system, standby power system, emergency storage, and site
<br />piping to connect to the existing sewer force main. The project also
<br />includes approximately 650 linear feet of gravity sewer main to convey
<br />flow from the existing lift station to the new lift station.
<br />Groundwater Pilot Production Wells, City of San Diego, CA.
<br />Project Engineer for as -needed services to design pumping and
<br />conveyance systems for groundwater production wells throughout San
<br />Diego County. The City has an aggressive program to enhance its water
<br />supply system by adding approximately 10,000 acre-feet/year of locally
<br />produced groundwater to supplement the City's water supply system.
<br />To date, the contract has included the following task orders: 1) Pilot
<br />Production Wells Investigation Workshop to identify candidate projects
<br />and develop the initial scope for future investigation and design efforts;
<br />2) Pilot Production Well No.1 Improvements to design upgrades to the
<br />City's San Vicente Production Well No.1 including new flow meter, pump
<br />to waste piping, and SCADA and remote communications equipment, 3)
<br />Overall Program Management- LISA (Local Investigations and Studies
<br />Assistance) Program and miscellaneous technical assistance; and 4)
<br />Design of Production Wellhead and Conveyance Facilities for Diamond
<br />Business Improvement District (DBID) including a new 500-gpm
<br />production wellhead facilities, controls, and pipelines to enable the City
<br />to utilize groundwater for irrigation purposes.
<br />Well No.10 and No.11 Raw Water Collection Pipeline, City of
<br />Oceanside, CA. Project Engineer for the design of 5,000 LF of 20-inch
<br />PVC transmission pipeline, consisting of 2jack-and-bore crossings,
<br />pipeline to be constructed in city streets, under Highway 76, within an
<br />engineered fill, in undeveloped areas adjacent to existing Army Corps of
<br />Engineers flood control levee, and finally connecting to the City's existing
<br />Mission Basin Desalting Facility. Project included coordinating with and
<br />obtaining permits from several agencies including Caltrans, SDG&E, FAA,
<br />and OSHA Mining and Tunneling Unit. An alignment study that examined
<br />several possible alternatives was performed as part of this project.
<br />Well No. 9 Wellhead Facilities, City of Oceanside, CA. Project
<br />Engineerfor the design of wellhead facilities, consisting of a 200-hp
<br />(2,000 gpm,VFD) submersible well pump, layout of concrete pad
<br />with surge tank, piping, electrical equipment, connection to the
<br />City's existing Mission Basin Desalting Facility (400 LF of 16-inch PVC
<br />pipeline), and 700 LF of 18"RCP drain pipe. Project also included
<br />preparation of a DHS Drinking Water Source Assessment.
<br />/�/ARDURRA B-14 City of Santa Ana Water Resources Division
<br />RFP 22-002 I May 24, 2022
<br />