<br />Overland Trail Lift Station Rehabilitation, Fallbrook Public
<br />Utilities District, CA. Project Manager for the rehabilitation of a high
<br />head (two pumps -in -series) wastewater lift station. The project includes
<br />a permanent diversion of the Districfs Anthony Corner's Lift Station flow
<br />to the Overland Trail Lift Station with a subsequent increase in pump
<br />capacity and overall footprint of the station. The electrical service will
<br />be increased due to larger pumps and the existing control building
<br />reconfigured for larger electrical gear. Other improvements include an
<br />increase in the size of the dry pit and a new cast -in -place top of the
<br />wetwell. The flow from Anthony's Corner Lift Station will flow to an
<br />existing diversion box on Mission Road in Fallbrook. One 8-inch sewer,
<br />the Mission Oaks sewer, will be relocated to connect with Mission Road
<br />trunk sewer and the lift station demolished.
<br />Rainbow Heights Pump Station, Rainbow Municipal Water
<br />District, CA. Project Managerto either renovate or replace the
<br />existing pump station. The existing pump station included two
<br />natural gas engines driven and two electric driving vertical turbine
<br />pumps. Increasing maintenance costs, related Air Pollution Control
<br />Board permitting equipment compliance costs, the 40+years age
<br />of the gas -driven pumps, and structural integrity issues with the
<br />building prompted the decision to replace the pump station. Effort
<br />included easement evaluation, preliminary design, and final design.
<br />The preliminary design evaluated the potential use of other sites,
<br />site layouts, hydraulics, pre-engineered pump station cost versus
<br />convention pump station building cost, type check valves and isolation
<br />valves to be utilized to accommodate 400-psi pressure, electrical design.
<br />Final design included a unique pre-engineered pump station building
<br />with three vertical turbine pumps, buried pump cans and suction
<br />header, meter on the suction side of the pumps station due to high
<br />discharge pressures, emergency generator, electrical coordination with
<br />SDG&E, new PLC and control descriptions and design modifications
<br />to the District's SCADA and telemetry system. Temporary pumping
<br />and associated electrical requirements to facilitate operations during
<br />construction were detailed within the contract documents.
<br />Alvarado Water Filtration Plant, City of San Diego, CA. Project
<br />Manager for four phases of design and design services during
<br />construction. Phase I provided the plant to be expanded by 30-mgd
<br />to a rated capacity of 150-mgd. The other 3 phases were performed to
<br />expand the plant to 200-mgd.
<br />Lake Calavera Dam Outlet Improvements, Carlsbad Municipal
<br />Water District, CA. Project Manager for evaluation and design of
<br />upgrades to outlet works on a 540-acre-foot dam that is under the
<br />jurisdiction of the California Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD). The
<br />existing outlet valves and control systems need to be upgraded to
<br />provide positive upstream control and satisfy DSOD requirements.
<br />Upgrades to the dual valve control system are expected to include
<br />modified pneumatic controls and new hydraulic actuator tubing.
<br />Deliverables will include alternative systems evaluation and
<br />recommendations, and final design PS&Efor the preferred option.
<br />MBC Cooling Water System Chiller Upgrade, City of San Diego,
<br />CA. Project Manager for replacing and optimizing the existing Chilled
<br />Water System (CW System) at the City of San Diego's MBC facility. The
<br />project replaces two 370-tan chillers, that provide ambient environment
<br />cooling for multiple onsite buildings, with three 250-ton chillers and
<br />upgrades the CW System necessary due to operational and reliability
<br />issues, outmoded controls, and overall age of the equipment. Three
<br />primary pumps were replaced with new and the addition of a fourth.
<br />Two secondary pumps were replaced with the same capacity and with
<br />VFDs to control flow to the air handling units based on cooling demand.
<br />Ancillary equipment including air separator, expansion tank, chemical
<br />injection pot, and makeup water feed system were also replaced.
<br />Post Road Hydropneumatic Booster Pump Station, Eastern
<br />Municipal Water District, CA. Project Manager for the pre -design
<br />and final design of a temporary booster pump station, hydropneumatic
<br />tank, and associated suction and distribution pipeline to alleviate low
<br />pressure conditions in the westerly higher elevation areas of the Eastern
<br />Municipal Water District's Good Hope II (1832) Pressure Zone. Gathered
<br />information on the Districfs existing waterfacilities in the local pressure
<br />zone 0832) and surrounding area with new survey to:1) provide
<br />hydraulic distribution system modeling to define three alternative
<br />proposed 1910 pressure zones and pumping criteria (selecting one);
<br />2) evaluate two alignment alternatives (selecting one) based on
<br />advantages and disadvantages considering existing in -place utilities,
<br />public right-of-way, planned utilities, crossings; traffic; permits; cost;
<br />access, and community and environmental impacts; 3) prepare a
<br />preliminary design report using existing aerial mapping information
<br />County, USGS, to develop the booster pumping station site to be located
<br />along an existing 40-foot-wide District easement west of Post Road,
<br />and evaluate two pre-engineered 300-gpm pump and hydropneumatic
<br />tank layouts; and 4) provide final design documents.
<br />Trask Reservoir Site Water Improvement Project, City of Garden
<br />Grove, CA. Project Manager for construction of a new 9,000-gpm
<br />pumping station, utilizing two natural -gas -powered engine -driven
<br />2,250-gpm three stage vertical turbine pumps (ISO -hp each), and a
<br />600-gpm motor -driven four -stage vertical turbine pump (50-hp).
<br />ARDURRA [ B_18 ] City of Santa Ana Water Resources Division
<br />RFP22-0021 May 24,2022
<br />