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Education <br />BS/2013/Civil Engineering/University <br />of the Pacific <br />Registrations <br />2018/PE/Civil/CA #89478 <br />Software <br />AutoCAD <br />GIS <br />HEC-RAS <br />InfoWater <br />Years of Experience:9 <br />AV <br />ARDURRA <br />Kaitlyn Leong, PE <br />Design Services, Pipeline Design <br />Kaitlyn is a project engineer that brings strong design experience in water and wastewater projects. Her <br />attention to detail and work on a breadth of projects makes her an effective key project member. Kaitlyn is <br />skilled in several modeling and design programs including AutoCAD, HEC-RAS, InfoWater, and GIS. <br />RELEVANT EXPERIENCE <br />Pershing Avenue Sewer Trunk Line Rehabilitation Project, City of Stockton, CA. Staff engineer <br />providing the City of Stockton with assistance in the implementation (final design) of the rehabilitation <br />of approximately 2,300 LF of gravity sewertrunk lines with pipe diameters of 18-inch to 30-inch along <br />Pershing Avenue from Venetian Drive to West Swain Avenue. Our tasks included CCTV review, condition <br />assessment, alternative evaluation, preliminary design, and final design. The project will include pipe <br />bursting an existing 30-inch segment to 33-inch and lining the remaining segments with cured -in place <br />concrete rehabilitation methods. <br />2014-2016 Miscellaneous Water and Sewer Main Replacement Project, City of Mountain View, <br />CA. Staff Engineer for the design services for the City's sewer and water main replacements project. Design <br />included replacement of5,280 LF of 4-inch and 6-inch cast iron water mains with PVC pipe material with <br />conventional open trench method. Design also included replacement of 4,840 LF of 6-inch and 8-inch <br />sewer mains with pipe bursting method. Reviewed CCTV records and videos of existing sewer condition <br />and provided recommendations of best replacement method based on existing sewer condition. Pipe burst <br />methods were employed where feasible based on review of sewer conditions from CCTV investigation. The <br />project included evaluation of sewer repair methods for a sewer main near a Caltrain crossing. <br />Fairfield Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project, City of Fairfield, CA. Staff Engineer providing the <br />City of Fairfield a comprehensive sewer replacement plan forthe Midtown area that includes approximately <br />90,000 LF of gravity mains ranging from 4-inch to 10-inch in diameter. Reviewed CCTV and performed a <br />condition assessment of the existing pipeline. Identified critical defects using National Association of Sewer <br />Service Companies (NASSCO) Pipeline Assessment and Certification Program methods. <br />Semitropic School Water Supply Project, Wasco, CA. Staff Engineer for the design of an approximate <br />5,000-foot water supply pipeline connecting the school to an existing 12-inch waterline. The Semitropic <br />School has a problem with water quality and reliability. The water supply has arsenic levels not in <br />compliance with the new drinking water standards and also exceeds the MCL for iron and antimony. The <br />school's well is also vulnerable to chemicals and byproducts from the surrounding agricultural activities. <br />Prepared a preliminary engineering report to support a water supply funding application. The school <br />is located within one mile of the wells and treatment plant for Lost Hills Utility District (LHUD). It was <br />determined that consolidation with the LHUD would be the best alternative to provide reliable water <br />service that meets the drinking water standards and the present and future needs of the school. <br />North Kaweah Mutual Company Water Supply and Consolidation Project, Three Rivers, CA. Staff <br />Engineer for planning, design, and construction management in a mountainous area to consolidate two <br />water systems, install approximately 10,600 feet of 6- and 8-inch waterlines, fire hydrants, new 120,000- <br />gallon storage tank, pressure reducing station, two new shallow wells, a 25-gpm water treatment plant, <br />and new electrical services. <br />Hardwick Water Company Water Supply Project, Hanford, CA. Staff Engineer for the design of a <br />new well and an approximate 1,300-foot distribution system connecting it to the existing waterline. The <br />community of Hardwick has a problem with water quality and the Hardwick Water Company was issued a <br />City of Santa Ana Water Resources Division / <br />RFP 22-002 1 May 24, 2022 1 B_19 ARDURRA <br />