<br />Notice of Violation for exceeding the uranium MCL. It was determined
<br />that anew well would be the best alternative to provide water that
<br />meets the drinking water standards.
<br />Bakersfield Pilot Flying 1 Wastewater Treatment Facility
<br />Improvements, Bakersfield, CA. Staff Engineer for the wastewater
<br />treatment facility improvements at the Pilot Flying 1 Travel Plaza in
<br />Bakersfield. The wastewater treatment facility had problems with rag
<br />material and equipping plugging. Existing facilities include a wastewater
<br />lift station, a package plant, and evaporation/percolation pond for
<br />disposal of treated effluent. Improvements included replacement of
<br />the existing submersible water pumps in the lift station, addition of a
<br />headworks screening facility, and associated electrical and piping work.
<br />1810 Zone System Improvements, City of Glendale, CA.
<br />Performed hydraulic analysis for the City of Glendale Water & Power
<br />Department and provided guidance related to the potable water system
<br />needs and improvements for Zone 1810. Work performed includes
<br />applying various demand scenarios, such as average day demand,
<br />maximum day demand, and peak hour demand, applying fire flow
<br />scenarios to simulate an instance of potential fire, analyze and identify
<br />potential deficiencies in the water system, and identify potential
<br />required upgrades to the water system.
<br />Benecia Master Plan Update and Major Facilities Condition
<br />Assessment, City of Benecia, CA. Staff Engineer for the City's Water
<br />System Master Plan update. Services include comprehensive condition
<br />assessments of the City's existing major water facilities. The result of the
<br />master plan update and condition assessment will be a list of proposed
<br />water new or rehabilitation and/or replacement projects, with cost
<br />estimates, to be included in a Capital Improvement Program.
<br />Santa Nella County Water District Water Supply, Santa Nella,
<br />CA. Staff Engineer for water system improvements. Services involve
<br />assistance for planning water system improvements including feasibility
<br />study/design to increase water supply reliability, achieve compliance
<br />with the California drinking water standards, correct system deficiencies,
<br />replace/upgrade equipment, and serve anticipated developments.
<br />Akin Water Supply Project, Porterville, CA. Staff Engineer for a
<br />preliminary engineering report to address the problem of water quality
<br />and reliable water supply of two wells that had nitrate levels exceeding
<br />drinking water standards. The water company serves 26 residential
<br />units in an area within the city of Porterville sphere of influence, and
<br />it was determined that the best alternative for this small residential
<br />neighborhood is to be served by the City of Porterville. The City is planning
<br />to construct a water main approximately 400 feet north of the Akin service
<br />area, and this project will entail abandonment of the existing wells and
<br />design of the pipeline connecting residents to the City water main.
<br />Lanare Water Supply Project, Lanare, CA. Staff Engineer for
<br />water meter installation project, residential water audits, and Prop
<br />84-funded water supply improvement project for a disadvantaged rural
<br />community in Fresno County. Services included water supply reliability,
<br />achieve compliance with California drinking water standards, correct
<br />system deficiencies, and replace/upgrade equipment.
<br />Tejon Mountain Village Water Supply Facility Plan, Tejon Ranch
<br />Company, Kern County, CA. Staff Engineer for this 7,800-acre
<br />development encompassing approximately 3,450 single-family units
<br />as well as recreational, commercial, and hotel facilities and agricultural
<br />areas. Engineering assistance on the project will involve multiple phases
<br />of design with the initial phase including research; outreach to local and
<br />state agencies; development of demand factors and water budgets/
<br />supply options; and proposed major backbone infrastructure facilities
<br />siting and pipeline routing including water conveyance, storage, and
<br />treatment. Infrastructure requirements were divided into those necessary
<br />for the first tentative tract map development area (approximately 750
<br />residential units, a hotel, 70,000 square feet of commercial facilities, and
<br />various open space/agricultural areas) and final buildout.The overall
<br />project is divided into six tentative tract maps and 18 phases. Future
<br />phases of work include facilitating acquisition of multiple permits with
<br />state and local agencies and preliminary and final designs of facilities
<br />required for the various phases of the development.
<br />Drainage Study, Stanford University, CA. Performed hydrology and
<br />hydraulic analysis for Stanford University. Analyzed overland release
<br />conditions for the east side of the campus. Identified drainage areas
<br />and performed drainage calculations using HEC-RAS. Performed field
<br />investigation of the site.
<br />Kirkwood Meadows Public Utility District, Alpine County, CA.
<br />Ongoing activities included the permitting, oversight, and monitoring
<br />reporting services for the wastewater treatment plant, disposal area
<br />facilities and four groundwater production wells for drinking water. These
<br />facilities serve the community of Kirkwood and the Kirkwood Ski Resort.
<br />Forty monitoring locations are used to assess wastewater treatment and
<br />groundwater quality from samples collected on monthly and quarterly
<br />basis.
<br />City of Galt WWTP, Galt, CA. Activities included groundwater
<br />monitoring and reporting in support of the WWTP NPDES permit. A
<br />statistical evaluation of groundwater monitoring results is used to
<br />determine impacts to groundwater and examine trends in groundwater
<br />quality.
<br />ARDURRA [ B_20 ] City of Santa Ana Water Resources Division
<br />RFP 22-002 1 May 24, 2022
<br />