Patrick Mulvey, PE
<br />Design Services, Pipeline Design
<br />Patrick Mulvey, PE, has 17 years of civil engineering design experience with a range of projects including,
<br />but not limited to, pump stations, pipelines, and reservoirs. Project challenges have included pumping
<br />station replacements and upgrades, complicated horizontal and vertical pipeline alignment design,
<br />through congested utility corridors, site planning for replacement facilities, development of plans,
<br />specifications, and cast estimates, and various engineering calculations.
<br />Bluebird Booster Station (Vern Gillett) Upgrade & Bluebird Road Water Improvements, City
<br />Education BS/2002/Civil Engineering/San Diego of Glendora, CA. Project Engineer for the design of a new pump station to supply Zone 28, a new
<br />State University pipeline, and modifications to the existing Zone 28 tanks. Project challenges include a narrow site that is
<br />AS/2012/Landscape Architecture constrained by trees and a large storm drain channel and the pipeline alignment is on a narrow private
<br />Technician/Mesa College road with various undocumented utilities that need to be design around.
<br />Registrations
<br />Sewer Replacement Nevada Avenue and Rodger Street Area (CIP No. 005), City of El Monte,
<br />2006/PE/Civil/CA #C69189
<br />CA. Project Engineer. The City's existing sewer mains and manholes within the area of Nevada Avenue and
<br />Professional Affiliations
<br />Bodger Street were constructed in 1938 and are approaching the end of their useful life. In addition, many
<br />American Society of Civil Engineers
<br />of the mains and manholes are in easements located in the backyards of private residential properties,
<br />Chi Epsilon, Civil Engineering Honor
<br />making it difficult for the City to access and conduct maintenance. As a result, approximately 4,500 linear
<br />Society
<br />feet of existing small diameter (8-and 12-inch) sewer is being replaced and relocated into the public
<br />Years of Experience:l7
<br />ROW. The project also includes construction of new sewer laterals for each of the affected properties,
<br />approximately 140 in total. This was particularly challenging because the existing sewer connections are in
<br />the backyard, requiring realignment of laterals from the rear of properties to the street.
<br />Water Supply Backup Well Facility at City Corporation Yard, City of Menlo Park, CA. Senior
<br />Designer for 200-hp deep well submersible pump and piping connections, a 5,000-gallon hyrdopnuematic
<br />tank, onsite disinfection facilities, 350kW emergency generator, connection to City's potable water
<br />distribution system, connection to storm drain, landscaping improvements, and associated electrical and
<br />controls for the wellhead pump station and integration to the Corporation Yard's electrical power system.
<br />Lotus Street Sewer Replacement, City of Oceanside, CA. Project Engineer. The project proposes
<br />various improvements to the existing Lotus Street sewer system, including removal of approximately
<br />250 linear feet of 6-inch cast iron sewer line and replacement with 8-inch PVC sewer line; construction of
<br />approximately 340 linear feet of new 8-inch PVC sewer line east; manhole rehabilitation/replacement in
<br />conjunction with the proposed new and replacement pipelines; abandonment of approximately 600linear
<br />feet of existing sewer line and associated manholes; and construction of an approximately 50-linear foot
<br />extension of new 8-inch PVC sewer lateral line.
<br />Oceanside Boulevard Sewer Lift Station Relocation, City of Oceanside, CA. 2,000-gpm
<br />replacement sewer lift station to pump from the tributary area surrounding Oceanside Boulevard to the
<br />La Salina Wastewater Treatment Plant. The existing lift station is more than 60 years old and is in poor
<br />condition. Due to the critical nature of this pumping facility, this project is a significant milestone in
<br />the ongoing rehabilitation and maintenance of the City's sewer infrastructure. The new lift station will
<br />consist of a custom design wet pit/dry pit station that has 4 dry -pit submersible pumps, control valves,
<br />flow meter, odor control system, bioxide injection system, surge control system, standby power system,
<br />emergency storage, and site piping to connect to the existing sewerforce main. The project also includes
<br />approximately 650 linearfeet of gravity sewer main to convey flow from the existing lift station to the
<br />new lift station.
<br />City of Santa Ana
<br />24,2Resources Division L B-21 1 / �ARDURRA
<br />AFP 22-002 1 May 24, 2022 L J
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