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k] <br />PATRICKMULVEY I ARDURRA I Page <br />La Jolla View Reservoir and Pipeline Replacement Project, <br />City of San Diego, CA. Project Engineer for PDR and PS&E for 3.1 MG <br />reservoir, 3,000 feet of 30"welded steel pipe, and demolition of two <br />outdated reservoirs. Reservoir is comprised of prestressed concrete <br />tank that is fully buried with limited surface features. Project includes <br />extensive habitat restoration and public outreach support due to the <br />tank location in a scenic, hilltop park in the coastal La Jolla area. <br />Graham Reservoir and Athletic Field Project, City of Mountain <br />View, CA. Design Engineer for an 8-MG buried concrete reservoir, pump <br />station and athletic fields on the site of Graham Middle School. Other <br />project elements include over 2,600 LF of new water pipeline along <br />City and Caltrans streets, civil site improvements, utility relocations, <br />and permitting requirements from the Division of State Architect (DSA), <br />Fire Department, and Caltrans District 4. Major project issues include <br />community involvement, traffic issues, conflicts with existing utilities, <br />and coordination between the City, Mountain View Whisman School <br />District, DSA, and the Middle School. <br />Reservoir Rehabilitation, Vallecitos Water District, CA. <br />Design Engineer for rehabilitation of existing steel reservoirs, <br />including recoating, valve vault reconfigurations, and miscellaneous <br />improvements. Prepared PS&E for various projects. <br />Gano Reservoir Alternatives Analysis, Olivenhain Municipal <br />Water District, CA. Design Engineer for an alternatives analysis to <br />examine options for 6.5 MG of new potable water storage adjacent to <br />the future Black Mountain Ranch community in San Diego. Developed <br />and compared alternatives for twin steel and concrete tanks and <br />partially buried single concrete tank. <br />Calavo Pump Station Replacement and El Cajon Tank <br />Modifications, Helix Water District, CA. Design Engineer for the <br />replacement of an existing pump station and the replacement of an <br />existing steel tank roof with an aluminum geodesic dome roof. The <br />project included a new pump station building with new pumps, motors, <br />control valves, and mechanical piping,l6-inch waterline replacement, <br />new dome roof for the adjacent reservoir, extensive coordination <br />and phasing to maintain service to the existing pump station and <br />miscellaneous site improvements consisting of grading and drainage <br />improvements. The new pump station was successfully put into service <br />along with the retrofitted tank. <br />Buena Vista Force Main Replacement, City of Oceanside, CA. <br />Design Engineer for construction of approximately 9,100 LF of 24-inch <br />sewer force main. The project included design of two tunnels; a 1,200- <br />LF microtunnel and a 300-LF bore and jack, an alignment through <br />residential areas, high -volume traffic areas and streets densely occupied <br />with utilities and extensive coordination between multiple agencies <br />and property owners. <br />Myers -Tait Street Sewer Replacement Project, City of <br />Oceanside, CA. Design Engineer for the replacement and upsizing of <br />existing gravity trunk sewers in the La Salina Service Area of Oceanside. <br />The existing sewers are currently over capacity; consequently, the <br />replacement sewer lines must accommodate the existing flows as <br />well as the future flows generated by new development in downtown <br />Oceanside. Narrow residential streets, significant community impacts, <br />and congested utility corridors added to the complexity of the project. <br />511 Pump Station, City of Oceanside, CA. Design Engineer for <br />preliminary design of 4.5-mgd pump station and discharge pipeline <br />to pump from the Mission Basin Groundwater Purification Facility <br />(RO Plant) directly to the 511 pressure zone. The preliminary design <br />included development of the design -build contract documents, <br />including technical specifications and 30%drawings. The pump station <br />includes 3 vertical turbine pumps installed in an existing clearwell, <br />control valves, flow meter, surge protection system, expansion of the <br />existing site power capacity and a standby power system. The discharge <br />pipeline is approximately 2,500 linear feet, to be constructed within <br />existing City easements. The new pump station will allow the City to <br />fully utilize the capacity of the RO Plant, increasing the volume of locally <br />produced water, and further ensuring a safe and reliable source of water <br />for the area. <br />Jamacha Road 36-inch Potable Water Pipeline and 12-inch <br />Potable Water Pipeline Replacement, Otay Water District, CA. <br />Design Engineer for final design of approximately 5 miles of 36-inch <br />cement mortar lined and coated (CML&C) steel potable water pipeline <br />along Jamacha Road/SR-54 within the city of El Cajon and County of <br />San Diego; and replacing approximately 3,500 LF of a 12-inch steel <br />pipeline that is severely corroded. Project challenges include pipeline <br />installation in heavily traveled roadways, including Caltrans SR-54; <br />traversing environmentally sensitive habitats, including jurisdictional <br />wetlands, Least Bell'sVireo and Southern Willow Flycatchers, California <br />Gnatcatcher, and rare plant species; maintaining services to customers <br />along portions of the 12-inch pipeline replacement; major RCB culvert <br />crossings;15-foot deep microtunnel under a creek; and congested <br />utility corridors. Multi -agency coordination included Caltrans District <br />11, City of El Cajon, and County of San Diego. Private entity coordination <br />includes Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District, Cuyamaca <br />Water Conservation Garden, and various elementary school districts. <br />ARDURRA B-22 City of Santa Ana Water Resources Division <br />RFP 22-002 ] May 24, 2022 <br />