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IEEE-1584 requirements. The dimensions of the enclosures and the worst <br />case electrode configurations will be displayed in the arc flash results table. <br />o As mentioned previously the models will be set up with multiple scenarios for <br />the worst case scenario incident energy for each equipment. <br />o Decrement curve method will be used in case of calculating the incident <br />energies from the generator sources using the dynamic characteristic <br />impedances of the generators. <br />o Single phase circuits/devices will be calculated separately for the incident <br />energies and combined to the final report. <br />o All the scenarios will be listed with notes in a table in the report so they can <br />be easily identified. <br />o Arc flash results will be presented in the report in a tabular format displaying <br />the incident energy with the existing device settings next to the incident <br />energy results based on the recommended device settings. Client will be <br />easily able to identify the differences. <br />o The results will be color coded in the arc flash table based on the following: <br />• Incident energy results > 40cal/cm2 — magenta color <br />• Difference between incident energies of the existing vs. <br />recommended settings — blue color <br />• Fault clearing time capped at 2 sec — yellow color <br />o For each identified issue for the arc flash results, recommendations or <br />solutions there will be an individual note at the bottom of the table. <br />o All problems, recommendations and solutions will be presented in the <br />executive summary section of the report. <br />o Adjustments or approximation will be considered upon City of Santa Ana's <br />approval in case the information needs to be assumed. <br />Labels will be generated and printed based on the City of Santa Ana formatting <br />requirements. <br />4.5. Study Report <br />The study report is comprised of different sections which includes the following: <br />o Revision History: includes the information regarding the revisions made to <br />the original report <br />o Table of contents <br />o Executive Summary: which includes the results and recommendations in a <br />tabular format individually color coded for each study section. Each <br />presented table displays a short memo of the finding including any code <br />violations, equipment type/ID, location of the equipment for fast locating, <br />description of the issue or finding and the recommendations. Depending on <br />the finding a phot of the equipment and/or its conditions will be attached to <br />that table. Below is a sample of the above description: <br />