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SOFTHQ SoftHQ, Inc., April 19, 2023 <br />RFP No. 23.051 for Temporary Staffing Services <br />City of Santa Ana, CA — Request for Proposals (RFP) <br />Training and <br />SoftHO provides comprehensive training and skills development program for its employees and workers <br />Skills <br />as warranted to support its client's needs. The training program is dictated by the needs of projects <br />Development <br />executed by SoftHQ and direction from the hiring managers of our Temporary Workers. Our matured <br />processes ensure that we deliver training in a specific, measurable. attributable, realistic, and time bound <br />manner (SMART). <br />Applicant <br />SoftHQ has very advanced applicant tracking processes and they are automated using an applicant <br />Tracking <br />tracking tool. We have been using it since the inception of our company; as a result, we have a customized <br />of database of skilled consultants to meet the needs of our clients. This centralized applicant tracking tool <br />serves as the backbone of our staffing services. Our automated processes ensure that we can initiate, <br />Ian, execute, monitor, and close staffing processes with a defined accuracy. <br />Invoicing, <br />SoftHQ has a very advanced and agile accounting process that ensures efficient and effective invoicing. <br />Timekeeping and <br />timekeeping, and expense handling. With each client, SoftHQ understands through the contract what the <br />Expense <br />client's expense policies are. SoftHQ maintains complete and accurate records to support and document <br />Handling <br />all Temporary Worker's Time and SoftHQ Expenses under this Agreement and each Purchase Order in <br />accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied. We will provide our <br />invoicing reports on weekly basis with customized billing of all electronic invoices sent to the City. <br />Reporting <br />SoftHQ understands that City may require different type of reports to validate and ensure its partner <br />performance. In answering questions for reporting, we describe our reporting capabilities and provide a <br />list of standard reports available to City on demand. <br />• A complete report of Temporary Staffing Activity of SoftHQ with City including the Submissions, <br />Interviews, Starts, roll offs, start dates, job titles, number of hours worked.. invoiced amount, paid <br />amount, etc. <br />• Number of Purchase Orders that has been addressed on Weekly/MonthlyNearly basis <br />• Number of Starts in a particular Month/QuarterlYear <br />• Number of Interviews in a particular Week/Month/Quarter/Year <br />• Number of Submissions in a particular Week/Month/QuarterNear <br />• Number of Hours billed by each consultant on a WeeklylMonthly/Yearly <br />• Total revenue generated on a weekly/monthly/yearly basis for both Sub Contractor Workers and <br />Workers <br />• Summary reports for each pay cycle <br />3 FIRM AND TEAM EXPERIENCE <br />3.1 Description of the Firm <br />SoftHQ, Inc. (SoftHQ) is a for -profit organization established in 01/28/2010 as a C Corporation in the State of California. SoftHQ is <br />a certified MBE led by Kranti Ponnam as President -Operations, and Hemant Joshi Neupane as Director -Consulting Services. <br />SoftHQ has successfully employed 757+ employees at various State and Commercial clients within the last year, both full-time <br />and part-time. We have successful in recruiting cleared, skilled, and qualified consultants through our veteran recruiters who <br />possess industry experience in sourcing diverse candidates with subject matter expertise in their fields. Below table illustrates our <br />Corporate Information. <br />Firm's Legal Name <br />SoftHQ, Inc. <br />State of Incorporation <br />CA <br />Date of Incorporation <br />0112812010 <br />Secretary of State Number <br />C3271002 <br />Headquarters I Business Address <br />6494 Weathers Place Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92121 <br />Email Address <br />rf softh / kranli softh <br />Website <br />www.softh .com <br />No of Years doing Business <br />13+ <br />Single Point of Contacts <br />Name: Kranti Ponnam: Designation: President <br />Phone: (858) 658-9200: Fax: (858) 225-6834, Cell (847) 513-2999 <br />Email: _rfo / <br />Current Location: 6494 Weathers Place Suite 200 San Diego CA 92121 <br />President <br />Kranti Ponnam jl00% <br />Exhibit 1: SoftHQ's Business Information <br />Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page of this proposal. 4 <br />