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May 13, 2021 Page 6 of 14 <br />All information must be made available through an API to the Business Licensing <br />application database. For any of the features detailed herein to function as described, <br />data must be available in this database (via API) to be presented to users. <br />2.4.1. IVR Channel <br />The IVR Channel for the Business Licensing application provides callers with an <br />Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system for accessing license information and making <br />payments over the phone. <br />Citizens can call the Business Licensing IVR channel in order to hear license information <br />and to make a payment. Citizens will need to enter a valid license number in order to <br />perform various activities via the IVR. The IVR validates this data against the Business <br />License Application database. Once the license is validated, the caller will be given <br />access to the above-listed information, and the option of making a payment. Callers will <br />also be able to transfer to an agent. <br />2.5. Relay Outbound <br />Relay Outbound provides Santa Ana with a multi-channel outbound communication <br />platform capable of sending voice, SMS, and email messages to citizens. Messages can <br />be configured to include dynamic account data designed to be sent to specific <br />recipients, or can be designed as ‘general information’ messages without customer- <br />specific data. These outbound messages can be designed and configured by Santa Ana <br />staff using the Relay Portal. Customer-configured voice messages will be spoken to <br />message recipients using computerized text-to-speech. <br />In addition to the above customer-configured messages, Selectron will design one <br />message template to be defined during the implementation process. The Selectron- <br />created template will use professional voice recording for voice messages as opposed to <br />computerized text-to-speech. <br />Because the City’s Relay Utility IVR is on-premise and Relay Outbound will be <br />hosted/managed by Selectron, only blind transfers (from Hosted Relay Outbound to On- <br />Premise Relay IVRs) are supported. <br />2.5.1. Customer-Built Templates <br />Santa Ana will be able to define and send notifications to citizens via phone, email, or <br />SMS text with dynamic data elements. Data for these templates will be supplied via flat <br />file and do not directly integrate with the customer’s application database. Selectron <br />will work with the agency to provide an FTP site where flat files can be uploaded and <br />made available for outbound campaigns. Santa Ana is responsible for defining and <br />configuring these campaigns, which can be done via the Relay Portal. Training for <br />Trusted Solutions. <br />Real Value.