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Item 35 - FY 2022 Emergency Management Performance Grant
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
11/07/2023 Regular
Item 35 - FY 2022 Emergency Management Performance Grant
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City Clerk
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HSGP Appendix | 2023 Page A-19 <br />o Reimbursement for the maintenance or wear and tear costs of general use vehicles (e.g., <br />construction vehicles), medical supplies, and emergency response apparatus (e.g., fire <br />trucks, ambulances); and <br />o Equipment that is purchased for permanent installation and/or use, beyond the scope of <br />the conclusion of the exercise (e.g., electronic messaging sign). <br />Indirect Costs <br />Indirect costs are allowable under this program. See the “Procedures for Establishing Indirect Cost Rates” <br />Section in “Pre-Submission Information” for more information. <br />Resources for Planning, Training, and Exercising (SHSP, UASI, and OPSG) <br />Planning Assistance <br />FEMA’s National Preparedness Directorate (NPD) offers technical assistance (TA) that is designed to <br />provide recipients and subrecipients with specialized expertise to improve and enhance the continuing <br />development of state and local emergency management across the five mission areas of the Goal and <br />across all core capabilities. TA provides the opportunity to engage emergency managers, emergency <br />planners, and appropriate decision-makers in open discussion of options to improve plans and planning <br />considering their jurisdiction’s needs . Although there is no direct cost to approved jurisdictions for FEMA <br />TA, jurisdictions are expected to invest staff resources and take ownership of the resulting products and <br />tools. <br />TA deliveries combine current emergency management best practices with practical consideration of <br />emerging trends, through discussion facilitated by FEMA contract specialists and with the support of <br />FEMA Region operational specialists. Additionally, peer-to-peer representation may also be included <br />from other jurisdictions that have recently addressed the same planning issue. The TA request form can be <br />accessed at <br />Training Information <br />Per IB 432,Review and Approval Requirements for Training Courses Funded Through Preparedness <br />Grants, issued on July 19, 2018, states, territories, tribal entities, and high-risk urban areas are no longer <br />required to request approval from FEMA for personnel to attend non-DHS FEMA training as long as the <br />training is coordinated with and approved by the state, territory, tribal, or high-risk urban area Training <br />Point of Contact (TPOC) and falls within the FEMA mission scope and the jurisdiction’s EOP . For <br />additional information on review and approval requirements for training courses funded with <br />preparedness grants, see FEMA Policy 207-22-0002, Prohibited or Controlled <br />Equipment Under FEMA Awards. <br />FEMA will conduct periodic reviews of all state, local, territory, tribal entities, and high-risk urban area <br />training funded by FEMA. These reviews may include requests for all course materials and physical <br />observation of, or participation in, the funded training. If these reviews determine that courses are outside <br />the scope of this guidance, recipients will be asked to repay grant funds expended in support of those <br />efforts. For further information on developing courses using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, <br />Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) and tools that can facilitate the process, SAAs and <br />TPOCs are encouraged to review the National Training and Education Division Training Resource and <br />Development Center website at FRT-TRDC Home ( <br />Some training and exercise activities require EHP Review, including exercises, drills or trainings that <br />require any type of land, water, or vegetation disturbance or building of temporary structures or that are not <br />located at facilities designed to conduct training and exercises. Additional information on training
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