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HSGP Appendix | 2023 Page A-20 <br />requirements and EHP review can be found online at Environmental & Historic Preservation Guidance <br />for FEMA Grant Applications | <br />DHS/FEMA Provided Training and Education <br />FEMA offers tuition-free training and education programs and courses through several providers including <br />the CDP, EMI, and the National Training and Education Division’s Training Partners Program (TPP). TPP <br />includes the Center for Homeland Defense and Security, NDPC, RDPC, and the CTG Program. <br />FEMA’s National Preparedness Course Catalog <br />This online searchable catalog features a wide range of course topics in multiple delivery modes to meet <br />FEMA’s mission scope as well as the increasing training needs of federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal <br />audiences. The catalog can be accessed at NTED | National Preparedness Course Catalog Home <br />( <br />Training Not Provided by DHS/FEMA <br />These trainings include courses that are either state-sponsored or federal-sponsored (non-DHS/FEMA), <br />coordinated and approved by the SAA or their designated TPOC, and fall within the FEMA mission scope <br />to prepare SLTT personnel to prevent, protect against, mitigate, and respond to acts of terrorism or <br />catastrophic events. <br />•State Sponsored Courses. These courses are developed for and/or delivered by institutions or <br />organizations other than federal entities or FEMA and are sponsored by the SAA or their <br />designated TPOC. <br />•Joint Training and Exercises with the Public and Private Sectors. These courses are sponsored <br />and coordinated by private sector entities to enhance public-private partnerships for training <br />personnel to prevent, protect against, mitigate, and respond to acts of terrorism or catastrophic <br />events. In addition, states, territories, tribes, and high-risk urban areas are encouraged to <br />incorporate the private sector in government- sponsored training and exercises. <br />Additional information on both FEMA provided training and other federal and state training can be found <br />at National Training and Education Division (NTED) ( <br />Training Information Reporting System (“Web-Forms”) <br />Web-Forms is an electronic data management system built to assist SAA TPOCs and federal agencies <br />with submitting non-National Training and Education Division provided training courses for inclusion in <br />the State/Federal-Sponsored Course Catalog through electronic forms. The information collected is used <br />in a two-step review process to ensure the training programs adhere to the intent of the HSGP guidance <br />and the course content is structurally sound and current. As these programs may be delivered nationwide, <br />it is vital to ensure each training program’s viability and relevance to the Homeland Security mission. <br />Reporting training activities through Web-Forms is not required under present funding. However, the <br />system remains available and can be accessed through the Web-Forms section of the FEMA National <br />Preparedness Course Catalog to support recipients in their own tracking of training deliveries. Users need <br />to request FRTS Admin rights from NTED in order to access the Web-Forms. <br />Exercise Information <br />Recipients that use HSGP funds to conduct an exercise(s) are encouraged to complete a progressive <br />exercise series. Exercises conducted by states and high-risk urban areas may be used to fulfill similar <br />exercise requirements required by other grant programs. Recipients are encouraged to invite <br />representatives/planners involved with other federally mandated or private exercise activities. States and