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Santa Aha O~t7 Hall, <br /> <br />Juue 1]th, 1921. ?:'~0 P. ~. <br /> <br />Bol~d met in regular adjourned session. <br /> <br />Meeting called to order by President ~ltchell. <br /> <br />Present: Trustees Tubbe, Chapman, Dale & Oreenleaf <br /> <br />A communication from J. P. Raumga~tner of the Register <br /> <br />Appropriation <br />for ~amp ~aJon <br /> <br />Publlshi~ Company, asking the Boaxd to appropriate <br />,2~.00 fr~ the advertising fund towards the payment ~or <br />a steel ~-e~ge I~ ~able at camp Onion to advertise Santa <br /> <br />Aha. On motion of Trustee Tubbs, duly seconded by Ohapman <br /> <br />and carried, the request wa~ gxanted and Clsrk instructed <br /> <br />on. ad.vertising Fund for same. <br /> <br />[~l cat 'ton <br /> <br /> Oham~er of Commerce <br /> <br />A oommu~toation from J. C. ~ets~ar, $eo7. Chamber of Com- <br />merce aekin~ the ~oerd to appropriate as much ae poseibl <br />from the advertising fund to assist in the purchase of <br />the ?.~7 acres along Santiago creek for the purpose of a <br />Cit7 Park or an Auto Camp ~rounde. On motion of Trustee <br /> <br />Dale duly eeoozded by ~ubbe and cnA'tied, the ma~ter was re <br /> <br />farted to ~he ~ a~ a committee of the whole. <br /> <br />,~eSAt~on E. 17th St. <br />Pr~Perty'Ownere <br /> <br />Pe~it Robertson. <br />Eleetrio Company <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />Paving <br /> <br />A pstitio~el~ned-by a large number of property owners, <br />~J~atingl~t E. I?th from Main to Santiago Street be re- <br />.paired at once. On motion of Trustee Greenleaf du/y se- <br />ooDded b~ Dale and oamrie~. The petition was referred to <br />a committee of the whole. <br /> <br /> On motion of Trustee Dale duly s~oaded by Greanleaf and <br /> carried, the Robert, o~ Electric Company were granted per- <br /> mission to hang ]~eotri'o signs at the following plazas <br /> under the su~ervia!o~ of tbs City Eteotrio Inspector. Two <br /> for the Rowley Drug Company, ~th and Main, and one for the <br /> Ben-Ton Bakery ~10 ~. ~th ~t. <br /> <br /> A oommun~oa~on from B. R. Ford asking permission to close <br /> Lyon St. from let to McFadden and permission to obtain a <br /> contract to pave. McFadden St. for a distance of about 1~O. <br /> feet westerly from Lyo~ St. for the full width of the stre, <br /> <br />On motio~ of Trustee §ree~leaf duly seconded by Dale and <br />carried, request ~ granted. <br /> <br />In Re <br /> <br />5ewe~_ d Water <br /> <br />$ _y~:~ MoFedden ~te. <br /> <br />On motion of Trustee (~Pman deity ascended by Gre~nteaf <br />carried, Water ~ ~e-er ~upt. Wray wa~ instructed to in- <br /> <br />stall ne~ ~$~r sec'vi, ce line and construct the neoe~ery : <br /> <br /> <br />