In Re
<br />Plans & Spec.
<br />Reinforced concrete
<br />storm sewer on
<br />Fairview Ave.
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Resol. No. 3932
<br />Advertise for bids
<br />storm sewer
<br />Fairview Ave.
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Ordinance
<br />Amend Zoning Ord.
<br />S.W. corner Richland
<br />& Broadway
<br />(Chas. A. Quill)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Ord. amend.Ord.
<br />No. &181 - Sales
<br />Tax
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Award of bid
<br />Gasoline
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Opinion No. 93
<br />City Attorney
<br />
<br />fixing salary of Museum Aid, was read, considered, designated
<br />Resolution No. 3931 and passed by the following vote:
<br />
<br /> Ayes, Trustees Courtney R. Chandler, John W.Martin Jr.,
<br /> Virgil H. Reed, Allen A. Mandy.
<br /> Noes, Trustees None
<br /> Absent, Trustees W.J.Cheney
<br />
<br />On motion of Trustee Chandler, seconded by Martin and carried,
<br />the plans and specifications for the construction of a 36"
<br />reinforced concrete storm sewer on Fairview Avenue from Towner
<br />Street to Flower Stre*t, and on Flower Stre=t from Fairview
<br />Avenue to Cubbon Street, were approved.
<br />
<br />On motion of Trustee Reed, seconded by Chandler and carried, the
<br />following Resolution entitled:
<br />
<br /> "Resolution authorizing and directing the
<br /> City Clerk to advertise for bids for the
<br /> construction of a 36" reinforced concrete
<br /> storm sewer on Fairview Avenue from Towner
<br /> Street to Flower Street, and on Flower
<br /> Street from Fairview Avenue to Cubbon
<br /> Street"
<br />
<br /> considered, designated Resolution No. 3932 and passed
<br />
<br />was read,
<br />
<br />by the following vote:
<br />
<br /> Ayes, ' Trustees
<br />
<br /> Noes, Trustees
<br /> Absent,~ Trustees
<br />#
<br />
<br /> Courtney R. Chandler, John W.Martin Jr.,
<br /> Virgil H. Reed, Allen A. Mandy.
<br /> None
<br /> W.J. Cheney
<br />
<br />On motion of Trustee Chandler, seconded by Martin and carried,
<br />the following Ordinance entitled:
<br />
<br /> "Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance No. 1074"
<br />reference amendment to Zoning Ordinance to reclassify Lots 2, ~
<br />and the north one-half of Lot 6, all in Block "D" of Heningerls
<br />Addition, being a parcel 1521x125~ at the southwest corner of
<br />Richland Street and Broadway, from the R-2 residence District to
<br />the R-3 Residence District, iu accordance with application of
<br />Chas. A. Quill, was introduced, read, considered and placed on
<br />
<br />file for second re~.ding.
<br />,,
<br />On motion of Trustee Reed, seconded by Martin and carried, the
<br />following Ordinance entitled:
<br />
<br /> "An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. ll81
<br /> entitled lAn Ordinance of the City of Santa
<br /> Ana imposing a license tax for the privilege
<br /> of selling tangible personal property at
<br /> retail, providing for permits to retailers,
<br /> providing for the collecting and paying of
<br /> such tax, and prescribing penalties for
<br /> violations of the provisions hereof"
<br />
<br />was introduced, read, considered and placed on file for second
<br />reading.
<br />
<br />On recommendation of the committee and on motion of Trustee
<br />Martin, seconded by Reed and carried, the bid of Tide Water
<br />Associated Oil Comgany was accepted, at the posted base (tank
<br />wagon) price less $0.031 per gallon - maximum price $0.15; truck
<br />and trailer deliveries, additional d-iscount of $0.005 per gallon.
<br />On motion of Trustee Martin, seconded by Reed and carried,
<br />Opinion No. 93 of the City Attorney was upheld and Chas. E. Neet
<br />ordered paid his salary for the first half of April, 1950.
<br />
<br />
<br />