In Re
<br />Requests
<br />Old Dutch Dining
<br />House
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Request
<br />Bowen's Cleaners
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Request
<br />L.A.County
<br />Fair Assoc.
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Request
<br />S.A.Jr. Chamber
<br />of Commerce
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Request
<br />N.H.Smedegaard etc.
<br />(Street lights')
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Reguest
<br />Allison Honer Co.
<br /> (Street lights)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Variance
<br />T.H.Halloran
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Opinion No. 97
<br />City Attorney
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Communication
<br />City of Tustin
<br />(sewerage system)
<br />
<br /> Communication was read from Old Dutch Dining House, 1518 No. Main
<br /> Street requesting that 15th Street be made a restricted parking
<br /> area, and on motion of Trustee Reed, seconded by Chandler and
<br />
<br />ca, tied, request was referred to a committee to investigate and
<br />Trustee Cheney and City Engineer, were apooint6d,as committee.
<br />report bac~ On motion cf T~ustee Chandler, seconded by Cheney
<br />
<br /> and ca~ried, request of Old Dutch Dining House that certain trees
<br /> be removed from parking area on 15th Street, was referred to
<br />
<br /> Forestry Board for recommendation.
<br /> #
<br />
<br />On motion of T~ustee Reed, seconded by Chandler and carried,
<br />request of Bowenls Cleaners, llOE. 1st St., for a five minute
<br />parking zone was referred to committee to investigate and report
<br />back. T~ustee Cheney and City Engineer, were appointed, as
<br />
<br /> committee.
<br /> #
<br />
<br />On motion of Trustee Reed, seconded by M~tin and carried, request
<br />of City Clerk, Pomona, on behalf of Los Angeles County Fa~a'~Assoo,
<br />~e~mission to place banners across streets, as sel'ected by the
<br />
<br /> Council, was denied.
<br />,,
<br />On motion of Trustee Chandler, seconded by Reed and carried,
<br />request of Santa Ana Junior Chamber of Commerce for permission to
<br />hold a street dance, Monday, June 12th, 1950~ was granted, subject
<br />to approval of Chief of Police.
<br />
<br />Communication was read from Norman H. Smedegaard and other propertl
<br />owners in the 1700 and 1800 blocks of North Westwood requesting
<br />that overhead street lights be pl_aced at 17th and Westwood and the
<br />north lot line of 1815 North Westwood. On motion of Trustee
<br />Reed, seconded by Martin and carried, request was referred to City
<br />Engineer with power to act.
<br />
<br />Communication was read from Allison Honer Company requesting that
<br />street lights be installed at 18th and Towner, 19th and To~ner and
<br />ZOth and T~wner Streets, and on motion of T~ustee Reed, seconded
<br />by Martin and carried, request was referred to City Engineer with
<br />power to act.
<br />
<br />On motion of Trustee Chandler, seconded by Reed and carried, the
<br />recommendation of the Planning Commission was approved and variant
<br />granted to Ter~ence H. and Billee Anne Halloran to permit a small
<br />rental library and the sale of religious goods and gifts at 219 E.
<br />
<br />Washington Avenue, subject to certain conditions.
<br />#
<br />
<br />On motion of Trustee Reed, seconded by Chandler and carried,
<br />Opinion No. 97 of the City Attorney reference parking meters in
<br />abandoned driveways, was received and filed.
<br />
<br />Communication was read from City of Tustin requesting information
<br />as to what the City of Santa Aha would charge to convey sewerage
<br />from ou~ line at the Junction of McClay and McFadden to the presen
<br />Joint Outfall Sewer Treatment Plant at Ellis Avenue. On motion
<br />of Trustee Reed, seconded by Martin and carried, request was
<br />referred to committee for study, recommendation and to report back
<br />
<br />Trustee Reed and City Engineer, were appointed, ae committee.
<br />#
<br />
<br />for
<br />
<br />
<br />