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RESOLUTION N0. 2824 <br />RESOLUTION ORDERING I <br /> <br /> ?~IEHEAS, the City Council of the City of Santa Aha on the 1Vth day of June, <br /> 1940, passed its Resolution of Intention No. 2814 to order thehereinafter described <br /> improvement to be made and public work to be due in the City of Santa Aha, and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, after the passage and adoption of Resolution of Intention No. 2814~, <br />J. L. McBride, the Street Superintendent of tt~ City of Santa Ana conspicuously posted <br />along the line of the contemplated work and imprOvement at not more than three hundred <br />(300) feet in distance apart, and four (4) in all, notices of the passage of ~aid <br />Resolution of Intention headed "NOTICE OF PUBLIC WORK", in the manner, form and substan <br />as required by law; and said Street Sup~rintendant also caused a notice si~.~ilar in sub- <br />stance to be published for a period of ten (10) days in the Santa Aha Daily Evening <br />Register, a daily newspaper published and circulated in the City of Santa Ana, and <br />named by said City Council in said Resolution of Intention as the paper in which said <br />notice should appear, all of which appears from the affidavit of W. L. Millis, the <br />bookkeeper and accountant for said daily newspaper, hnd which affidavit was filed in <br />the office of the C~erk of the City of Santa Ana on the 15th day of July, 1940, and <br />is now on file therein, and <br /> <br /> W~EREAs, the Street Superintendent of the City of Sauba Ana conm~enced <br />posting the notices hereinbefore referred to on the 22nd day of June, 1940, and fully <br />completed the postings thereof on the 22nd day of June, 1940, all of which appears from <br />the affidavit of J. L. McBride, Street Superintendent of the City of Santa Aha, filed <br />in the office of the Clerk of the City of S~nta Aha on the 15th day of July, 1940, and <br />more than ten (~0) days have e~pired after the expiration of the time of the publicatio <br />of said notice, within wl.~ich protests or objections to the proposed work or i~provement <br />might be made by any person interested, objecting to said work or improvement or to the <br />extent of the district or lands to be affected or benefitted by said work or improve- <br />ment, and to be assessed to pay the costs and e~enses thereof, and <br /> <br /> V~EEREAS, at the next meeting of the City Council after the expiration of <br />said ten (10) days followin~£ the expiration of the time of said publication of said <br />notice, and said City Cotuncil having heard the objections a~ainst said work or improve- <br />ment which were mo, de or filed he~ein, and h~ving considered the s~Gne and overruled said <br />objections to said wor~ or improvement, and the City Council of the City of Santa Ana <br />having now acquired jurisdiction to order the proposed improvement; <br /> <br /> IT IS HEi~EBM RESOLVED AND 0RDE~ED that the public interest and convenience <br />required the work hereinafter described and the City Council of the City of Santa Ana <br />hereby orders the following work to be done and improvement made in the City of Santa <br />Aha, as follows: <br /> <br /> That that portion of Sixth Street as hereinafter described in the City of <br />Santa Ana be closed up and abandoned, to-wit: <br /> <br /> Two strips of land being the Northerly Ten (10) feet and <br /> the Southerly Ten (10) Feet of the existing Eighty (80) <br /> Feet in width of East Sixth Street, formerly known as <br /> Central Avenue, cormuencing at the eo~st line of Grand <br /> Avenue and eo~tending to the west line of ~,taybury Street, <br /> EXCEPTING therefrom any portion lying within the area <br /> of the intersections of the following stro ts: McClay, <br /> Linwood, and Eastside Streets, <br /> <br />all of which is more clearly shown on a certain map approved and ~dopted by the City <br /> <br /> <br />