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190 <br /> <br />satisfaction of the Plumbing Inspector t~at s~ch work was <br />necessary amd that it was ~mrracticab]e to obtain a permit <br />therefor prior to its com~:encement. <br /> <br /> SECTION 7 - NOTICE OP INSPEUTION: <br /> <br />to inspect bo~h the rough and finish work, and all work must be <br />left uncovered and convenient for examination until inspected <br /> <br /> and approved by the Plumbing Inspector. <br /> <br />Notice must be given <br /> <br /> SECTION 8 - TESTS: The inspecting officer may apply <br />the water, peppermint or smoke test, and all necessary tools, <br />labor and material for s~ch tests shall be furnished by the <br />person or persons ass~mlng control of the work~ an~ such persons <br />shall remove or repair any defective material or work when so <br />ordered by the inspecting officer. <br /> <br /> SECTION.9 - APPLICATION FOE FINAL INSPECTION: Apnli- <br />cation for the final inspection shall be made by the person, firm <br />or corporation to whom the plumbing permit is issued within <br />ten (lC) days after the completion of the work. Any person, <br />firm or corporation failing to apply for ~nspection wlt~ln said <br />period of ten (lC) days shall be required to pay an a~ditioual <br />fee of Fifty cents (~.50) for such inspection. No plumbing <br />permits shall be issued ~o any f~rm or corporation from whom is <br />due any money under this section. <br /> <br /> SECTION 10 - FINAL CERTifICATE: 'i~e c~ntr~ctor sha~l <br />secure a final certificate from the Plumbing inspector and <br />de~iver the sa~e to the owner or hfs spent. <br /> <br /> SECTION ll - PERMIT VOID: If plumbing or gas fitting <br />work authorized by any permit issued under this ordinance is <br />not cor~r, enced within Ninety (90) days from the date thereof and <br />completed and a certificate issu~d thereon within one (1) <br />year from the date thereof, such pe~it shall thereupon and <br />thereafter be void, and before dolug further work at the <br />location designed in such permit, a new permit must be obtained <br />in llke manner and upon the payment of fees req~'re~ in the <br />case of the first permit.. <br /> <br /> ~ECTION 12 EXLMINATION: No person, as principal <br />agent, manager or employee, shall conduct, manage or carry on <br />the trade, business or callln~ of a master plumber~ or work as <br />a Journeyman, or do any olumblrg work of any kind or descrip- <br />tion iu the city of Santa Aua, for which <br />required, without first having submitted to a practical <br />examination before, and obtaining from, the examining board of <br />plumbers of the c~ty of Santa Aha a certificate of competency <br />showing such persons to have sufficler~t practical experience <br />and sufficleut knowledge to do pl~mbing worX. <br /> <br /> SECTION 13 - ~:XAMINING .BOARD: The Examining Board <br /> <br />of Plumbers of the city of Santa Aha, shall consist d' t}:e <br />Nealth Officer, one master plumber, one jou~.neymsn plumber, <br />and the Plumbing Inspector. The master plumber and journeyman <br /> <br /> <br />