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1 3.3 CEQA Catauadcet_Exem tp ion <br />The proposed project is likely exempt from CEQA <br />under Class 32: In -Fill Development Projects (CEQA <br />Guidelines Section 15332). The City of Santa Ana would <br />serve as the CEQA Lead Agency. The Consultant will <br />prepare the Exemption Form from Appendix E of the <br />CEQA Guidelines. This form will be filed at the Orange <br />County Clerk's office and the State Clearinghouse. A <br />receipt for the filing will be obtained from both of these <br />entities. <br />1.4 HISTORICAL ANALYSIS <br />An architectural historian, meeting the Secretary of <br />the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards <br />for architectural history, will conduct an architectural <br />history evaluation of the "State Building" at 28 Civic <br />Center Drive Plaza in Santa Ana, California. This study <br />will be conducted pursuant to compliance with CEQA <br />and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation <br />Act (NHPA) and its implementing regulations in 36 CFR <br />800, for the evaluation of a historic -age building. The <br />evaluation will also be prepared pursuant to the City <br />of Santa Ana's requirements for historical resources <br />under CEQA. <br />The Consultant will complete a records search with the <br />South Central Coastal Information Center (SCCIC) of the <br />California Historical Resources Information System to <br />determine if the building has been previously recorded <br />or evaluated. If the building has been previously <br />recorded and evaluated, the Consultant will prepare an <br />update to the record and evaluation as appropriate to <br />ensure the eligibility of the building is current and the <br />building maintains integrity. <br />The Consultant will next conduct a site visit to <br />document the building on appropriate DPR 523 series <br />forms pursuant to the Office of Historic Preservations <br />guidelines for documenting historic properties. The <br />Consultant will conduct archival research, using <br />sources including county records, historical aerials, <br />historical USGS topographic maps, and assessor <br />property records in an attempt to gather historical <br />property and building information relevant to the <br />construction and use of the building. Archival research <br />may also be conducted at local museums, archives, or <br />historical societies identified during initial research <br />which may contain significant relevant information <br />pertaining to the building or its use through history. In <br />addition, archival research may be conducted at the <br />California State Archives, which maintains thousands of <br />State government records, and may contain records for <br />the State Building, <br />The Consultant will utilize information gathered <br />from the site visit and archival research to prepare a <br />significance evaluation of the building. The evaluation <br />technical report will contain appropriate historic <br />and regulatory context, an outline of the methods for <br />archival research and evaluation, a detailed description <br />of the building, and a recommendation of eligibility <br />of the building for the NRHP and CRHR, as well as <br />consideration under Local eligibility criteria. <br />The Consultant's Senior Architectural Historian will <br />also participate in project meetings, offer historical <br />resources support, and additional assistance as <br />requested. <br />1.5 ELEVATED PLAZA STRUCTURAL ASCE 41 TIER 1 AND <br />TIER 2 ANALYSIS: <br />The Consultant wilt provide an ASCE 41 Tier 1 and Tier <br />2 analysis for the determination of the ability for the <br />intended plaza structure to be partially removed and <br />to determine what potential strengthening would be <br />required. <br />1.6 SCOPING <br />Utilizing as -built plans provided by the City, the <br />Consultant shall prepare project base drawings of the <br />State Building to be demolished and the Plaza within <br />the limit of work. Base drawings will consist of floor <br />plans, RCPs, and exterior elevations. <br />Consultant shall prepare a site demolition plan. <br />Consultant shall prepare up to three alternate site <br />layouts for now interim parking, vehicular, pedestrian <br />circulation, and landscape for review and selection of <br />the preferred alternative by the Working Client Group. <br />Consultant shall meet with the AHJs. along with <br />Bernards to scope out the permit procedures and <br />submission requirements. <br />1.6.2 Civil Scope: <br />Consultant shall prepare Site Utility Demolition Plan, <br />Site Control Plan with parking lot striping, pavement <br />details, and ADA designated parking stalls for <br />preliminary parking Lot with approximated 24,000 sf. <br />(183ft by 131 ft). <br />RFQ NO.: 24-032 1 State Building Demolition Project <br />