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Item 28 - Construction Management for the State Building Demolition Project
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
Item 28 - Construction Management for the State Building Demolition Project
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Last modified
8/14/2024 3:49:39 PM
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8/14/2024 10:19:48 AM
City Clerk
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In addition, consultant shall prepare rough and precise <br />grading, drainage plan with grading sections, Erosion <br />Control Plan, WQMP and storm water system in <br />compliance with NPQES, and Site Utility Plan. <br />Consultant to coordinate parking lot reconstruction and <br />site improvements for damaged area during demolition <br />including landscape features with horizontal and <br />vertical controls as necessary. <br />.1 6.3 Landscape 5co <br />Consultant shall prepare landscape planting and <br />irrigation plans. <br />Consultant shall review existing conditions related to <br />the partial demolition of the plaza structure, bridge <br />element and building demolition. <br />Consultant shall provide and ASCE 41 Tier 1 and Tier <br />2 analysis for the determination of the ability for the <br />intended plaza structure to be partially removed and <br />to determine what potential strengthening would be <br />required. <br />Consultant shalt provide input criteria to the demolition <br />subcontractor as to the structural integrity of the State <br />Building. <br />Consultant shall prepare the structural design of the <br />new guard rail system and edge of slab treatment to for <br />the demolished Plaza edge and edge of slab treatment <br />to the building north of the plaza where the bridge is <br />removed. <br />Consultant shall provide structural design for <br />landscape features (such as walls, seating, or other <br />improvements <br />1.6.5 Electrical Scope: <br />Consultant shall provide demolition plan including the <br />main switchgear of the building. <br />Consultant shall provide design for a new outdoor <br />rated switchgear and distribution system to power new <br />outdoor Lighting, outdoor equipment such as fountains, <br />and new potential EV charging stations. <br />Consultant shall coordinate with Electrical Utility on <br />possible changes to the existing service, <br />Consultant shall provide lighting design, lighting <br />control, title 24 compliance forms, and emergency <br />Lighting photometrics. <br />Consultant shall provide design for an outdoor rated <br />UPS/invertor system for emergency lighting. <br />Consultant shall provide design for EVs if required. <br />16 6 Plumbing Scope <br />Consultant shall show the capping and rerouting of any <br />building water, sewer, irrigation lines, coordinating with <br />Civil Engineering. <br />1.6.7 Low Voltage Design <br />Consultant shall provide Communications Engineering <br />for Structured Cabling and Public Wi-Fi Infrastructure. <br />Consultant shall provide Electronic Security Systems <br />for Visual Surveillance Systems with camera coverage <br />of plaza and parking facilities connected to evidence <br />gathering recording systems with provisions for Local <br />and remote realtime monitoring. <br />1.6.8 Geotechnical Consulting Services <br />Consultant will evaluate subsurface conditions <br />following demolition in order to provide <br />recommendations for remedial grading and backfilling <br />of voids from demolition activities. This will include <br />Laboratory testing of expected soil import to fill to <br />ground level. <br />Consultant will perform necessary subsurface <br />exploratory drilling to determine infiltration rates for <br />design of proposed stormwater infiltration system. <br />Consultant will provide recommendations for structural <br />pavement design for parking lot. <br />RFQ NO.: 24-032 I State Building Demolition Project <br />
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