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connectivity throughout the site. The proposed Project would result in a residential density of 91 <br />du/ac and a non-residential FAR of 2.7, which is within the DC-5 allowable residential density of <br />up to 125 du,/ac and non-residential FAR of up to 5.0. <br />The proposed Project would provide a mix of uses, including residential, retail, and commercial <br />services, recreation, and entertainment. In addition, the Project site is located within a Transit Priority <br />Area (TPA) and High Quality Transit Area, and is adjacent to six bus routes that provide connections <br />to regional transit services. Thus, the proposed Project would implement, and would not conflict with, <br />the General Plan land use designation for the site (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.8-25 through <br />5.8-26). <br />GPU Focus Area <br />The Project site is located within the GPU South Bristol Street Focus Area. The GPU Land Use Element <br />states that the intent of the South Bristol Street Focus Area is to create opportunities to transform <br />auto -oriented shopping plazas to walkable, bike -friendly, and transit -friendly urban villages that <br />incorporate a mix of high intensity office and residential living with experiential commercial uses. <br />The proposed Project would implement the intent of the South Bristol Street Focus Area by removing <br />the existing low intensity auto -oriented shopping center on the site and provide a new mixed -use <br />urban village with up to 3,750 multi -family residential units; up to 350,000 SF of commercial uses; <br />a 250-room hotel; a senior living,/continuum of care use with up to 200 units; and approximately <br />13.1 acres of common open space that would provide pedestrian connectivity throughout the site. <br />The proposed Project would be transit -friendly because the site is within a TPA and a High Quality <br />Transit Area, and adjacent to six QCTA bus routes that connect to regional transportation. <br />Additionally, the proposed Project would install on and offsite pedestrian and bicycle facilities and <br />would include onsite bicycle parking/'lockers, etc. and therefore, would be bike friendly. The <br />proposed Project would implement the intent and GPU vision for the South Bristol Street Focus Area. <br />Impacts related to conflict with the GPU South Bristol Street Focus Area would not occur from <br />implementation of the proposed Project. (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.8-26). <br />Land Use Consistency <br />The areas surrounding the Project site are developed with residential, service, office, and <br />commercial uses. Development of the site for multi -family residential, commercial <br />(retail/restaurant/'hotel), and open space uses would integrate into the adjacent areas. The <br />proposed Project would provide housing proximate to local employment centers, commercial retail <br />services and restaurants for onsite residents and employees working nearby. In addition, the <br />proposed Project would provide onsite open space and recreation activities that would integrate <br />into the existing communities around the site. The proposed Project would provide vehicular, bicycle, <br />and pedestrian access and would provide circulation improvements to efficiently integrate into the <br />land uses and circulation infrastructure of the area. <br />Overall, the proposed Project would not result in a land use inconsistency. The proposed Project <br />would implement a mix of uses, including multi -family residential, and would provide locational <br />efficiency as it allows people to work, live, and obtain services within a small area, which has the <br />potential to reduce VMT in comparison to residential development that is farther from employment <br />and services. As described throughout this Supplemental EIR, with implementation of existing <br />