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regulations, the proposed Project would not result in significant environmental impacts such as light, <br />noise, or air quality to the adjacent existing and planned land uses. Therefore, impacts related to <br />land use inconsistency would be less than significant (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.8-26 through <br />5.8-27). <br />General Plan Goals. Policies. and Objectives <br />A detailed analysis of the proposed Project's consistency with the applicable goals, policies, and <br />objectives of the City's GPU that serve to avoid or mitigate environmental impacts is provided in <br />Table 5.8-3 of the Draft Supplemental EIR. As described, the proposed Project would be consistent <br />with the relevant goals, policies, and objectives of the City's GPU that avoid or mitigate <br />environmental impacts, and impacts related to conflict with a GPU policy related to an <br />environmental effect would be less than significant (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.8-27 through <br />5.8-A3). <br />ZoningDesignation <br />The existing zoning of the Project site is General Commercial (C-2) north of Callen's Common, and <br />Commercial Residential (CR) and General Commercial (C-2) south of Callen's Common, as shown on <br />Figure 3-5, Existing Zoning, in Chapter 3.0, Project Description of the Draft Supplemental EIR. As <br />listed previously, the C-2 zone is designated for general commercial uses that include: wholesale, <br />automotive garages, retail, etc. Structures in the C-2 zone are limited to 35 feet in height, and 15- <br />foot-wide yards are required adjacent to arterial streets, such as Sunflower Avenue and Bristol <br />Street. The C-R zone is designated to integrate commercial and residential land uses that include <br />retail and services, professional offices, one -family and multi -family dwellings, etc. with landscaped <br />setbacks. <br />The proposed SP zoning of the site would implement the GPU objectives for the South Bristol Street <br />Focus Area, pursuant to the DC-5 General Plan land use designation. The proposed Specific Plan <br />includes design guidelines for the non -auto oriented urban scale development that address site <br />layout, building scaling and massing, building entry design, vehicle and pedestrian circulation, <br />parking and loading area requirements, landscaping design requirements, and more. Because the <br />proposed SP zoning would implement the existing land use designation and GPU vision for the <br />South Bristol Street Focus Area, impacts related to conflict with a land use plan, policy, or program <br />would not occur from implementation of the proposed Project (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.8- <br />43). <br />Regulations Governing Scenic Quality <br />The proposed Specific Plan includes design guidelines that would govern scenic quality on the <br />Project site pursuant to the DC-5 land use designation and objectives for the South Bristol Street <br />Focus Area. Visual corridors would be protected through compliance with the proposed Specific <br />Plan guidelines which require building setbacks from public view corridors, including a 20-foot <br />average setback from South Bristol Street; a 15-foot average setback from MacArthur Boulevard, <br />Sunflower Avenue, and South Plaza Drive; and a 12-foot average setback from Callen's Common, <br />which are measured from the front of curb. Setbacks would be landscaped. Varying building <br />setbacks and materials, along with landscaping as required by the Specific Plan design guidelines, <br />