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would implement the GPU policies governing scenic quality. Table 5.8-4 of the Draft Supplemental <br />EIR describes the proposed Project Is consistency with the relevant GPU goals and policies regarding <br />aesthetics. As detailed, the proposed Project would be consistent with and implement the GPU <br />policies through the design guidelines that are included in the proposed Specific Plan (Draft <br />Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.8-43 through 5.8-48). <br />H. Noise <br />Impact Finding: The Project would not generate excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne <br />noise levels (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.9-30). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: <br />Construction <br />Demolition, excavation, and grading activities are required for the Project and can result in varying <br />degrees of groundborne vibration, depending on the equipment and methods used, distance to the <br />affected structures and soil type. As indicated in Table 5.9-18 of the Draft Supplemental EIR, based <br />on FTA data, vibration velocities from typical heavy construction equipment operations that would <br />be used during Project construction range from 0.003 to 0.089 in/'sec PPV at 25 feet from the <br />source of activity; and would range from 0.001 1 to 0.0315 in/'sec PPV at 50 feet from the source <br />of activity. All of the onsite and offsite receptors are farther than 25 feet from construction areas; <br />and therefore, actual vibrations at sensitive receptors would be less. These vibration levels would <br />not be sustained during the entire construction period but would occur only during the times that <br />heavy construction equipment is operating in the vicinity of the sensitive receivers. This level of <br />vibration would be below the Caltrans building damage threshold of 0.2 in/sec PPV and vibration <br />standard of 0.04 in/sec PPV for human annoyance at all receiver locations. Therefore, vibration <br />impacts would be less than significant (Draft Supplemental EIR at pp. 5.9-30 through 5.9-31). <br />Operation <br />Operation of the proposed commercial and multi -family uses would include heavy trucks for <br />residents moving in and out of the rental units, product deliveries to retail and restaurant uses, and <br />garbage trucks for solid waste disposal. Truck vibration levels are dependent on vehicle <br />characteristics, load, speed, and pavement conditions. However, typical vibration levels for the <br />heavy truck activity at normal traffic speeds would be approximately 0.006 in,/sec PPV, based on <br />the FTA Transit Noise Impact and Vibration Assessment. Truck movements on site would be travelling <br />at very low speed, so it is expected that truck vibration at nearby sensitive receivers would be less <br />than the vibration threshold of 0.08 in/sec PPV for fragile historic buildings and 0.04 in,/sec PPV <br />for human annoyance, and therefore, would be less than significant. <br />The operational vibration impacts that would be generated by the proposed Project would be less <br />than those identified by the GPU FEIR, which were determined to be significant and unavoidable. <br />Therefore, operational vibration impacts related to the proposed Project would not exceed those <br />previously identified (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.9-31 ). <br />Impact Finding: The Project would not expose people residing or working in the Project area to <br />excessive airport noise related to a public airport (Draft Supplemental EIR at p. 5.9-31 ). <br />