<br />
<br /> In Re
<br />~Request
<br /> Harry F. Coleman
<br /> etal - oversize
<br /> driveway
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Recommendations
<br />So. Main St.
<br />Improve. Assoc.
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Petition
<br />reference chickens,
<br />rabbits at 93~ West
<br />Berkeley
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Request
<br />Union Oil Co.
<br /> (over-size
<br />driveways)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Re~e~t
<br />Robert S. Barnes
<br />(Loading Zone)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Bid acceptance
<br />Cast Iron Pipe
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Petition
<br />Wm. H. Bowman etal
<br />for Annexation
<br />(Revised West Trac$
<br />and Santa Ana Acres)
<br />
<br />In Re
<br />Resol. No. 53-159
<br />Proposing to annex
<br />territory; setting
<br />time and place of
<br />hearing:,~evised West
<br />Tract and Santa Aha
<br />Aeresl5
<br />
<br />On recommendation of the Assistant Engineer and on motion of Councllm~
<br />
<br />Dahl, seconded by McBride and carried, the request of Harry F. Colem~
<br />
<br />Ray M. Wolven and John F. Kinyon,
<br />driveway at the northeast corner
<br />On motion of Councilman McBride,
<br />
<br />for a thirty-five foot curb cut and
<br />of First and Bush Street, was grante~
<br />seconded by Dahl and carried, the
<br />
<br /> recommendations of the South Main Improvement Association urging that
<br /> a master plan for the future development of Santa Ana be conceived
<br /> and adopted at the earliest possible date, was received, filed and
<br /> referred to the-Planning Commission.
<br />
<br /> The Manager requested additional time on the matter of the petition
<br /> of residents and property owners requesting that the chickens and
<br /> rabbits belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill, 930 West Berkeley
<br /> Street, be removed and on motion of Councilman McBride, seconded by
<br /> Jerome and carried, the matter was continued until next meeting.
<br />
<br /> On the recommendation of the committee and on motion of Councilman
<br /> Dahl, seconded by Larsen and carried, the Union Oil COmpany were'
<br /> granted permits for two 33 foot curb cuts ion East 17th Street and two
<br /> 33 foot curb cuts' on Santiago Avenue, for a proposed service statien
<br /> to b~ constructed.
<br />
<br /> On recommendation of the Manager and on motion of Councilman Jerome,
<br /> seconded by Larsen and carried, the request of Attorney Robert S.
<br /> Barnes on behalf of Mrs. S.H.Bradley, 309 East Walnut Street, who
<br /> operates a nursery school for small children, that a loading zone or
<br />
<br /> fifteen-minute parking limit be established, was denied.
<br /> .
<br /> On recommendation of the committee and on motion of Councilman Jerome~l
<br /> seconded by Larsen and carried, the bid of the American Cast~ Iron Pip~
<br /> Company, in the sum of $32,920.00, was accepted for the furnishing of
<br />
<br /> 20,000 fe~t 6 inch Cast Iron Pipe, and all other bids rejected.
<br />
<br />The Clerk read petition of William H. Bowman etal requesting annex-
<br />ation of 120 acres bounded by Edinger Street on the south, Raitt
<br />Street on the west, Fairview Avenue on the north and Bristol Street
<br />on the east, except for that portion already a part of the city limits
<br />and report of the Boundary Commission stating the boundaries of the
<br />proposed annexation are reasonably definite and certain. On motion
<br />of Councilman Larsen, seconded by McBride and carried, the petition
<br />and report were received and filed.
<br />
<br />The Council having unanimously waived the reading of the Resolution,
<br />on motion of Councilman Dahl, seconded by Larsen and carried, the
<br />following Resolution entitled:
<br />
<br /> "Resolution No. 53-159 proposing to annex
<br /> territory to the City of Santa Ana, describing
<br /> said territory, giving notice of the time and
<br /> place of public hearing where all protests will
<br /> be heard and passed upon, and designating the
<br /> name of 'Revised West Tract and Santa Ana Acres'
<br /> as an appropriate name for said territory"
<br />
<br />was considered and passed by the following vote:
<br />
<br /> Ayes, Councilmen William Jerome, J.L.McBride,
<br /> Thomas F. Larsen, Milford W. Dahl,
<br /> Courtney R. Chandler.
<br /> Noes, Councilmen None
<br /> Absent, Councilmen None
<br />
<br />
<br />