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PERSOMEEL BOARD R a Councilman Burk an& Ccthbi''Y"h Gilmore <br />reported as the -Council Committee <br />members•of the Personnel -Board. <br />Councilman Burk stated that the status of the Personnel Board is pretty mach <br />generally known by the Council; it appears'that the Board is an arm of the City <br />Council. Couneilman Gilmore stated that he has been considerably gratified <br />with the reoef%ldwl by the Personnel Board of the directions sent by the <br />Council to them. They have already implemented acme of the recommendations <br />that were given to them in October and have instituted studies on all of the <br />items that have been suggested. Councilman Gilmore thought it very signifi- <br />cant that they are taking a very definite'intereet is this activity which <br />perhaps did not exist before. It has proven that it is possible for the <br />Boards and Csmmissidans to receive advice and -recemitinditions'frcm'the'Ad- <br />visory committees. There mar be recommendations coming from the Personnel <br />Board before the election regarding c}aiiges`in the Cher£er or Code revisions. <br />Generally speaking, Councilman Gilmore thought the Personnel Board under- <br />stands that they have a responsibility which is considerably broader than <br />they ever had before, and that the City will have most satisfactory service <br />from them in the next year or two. <br />LXBRARr BOARD c. ca s , Councilman McMichael reported as a <br />Council Committee member of the Library <br />Board. He stated that the Library <br />Board is very much like the Parks and Recreation Commission, it is made up <br />of+extremely dedicated people. They are very concerned about the branch <br />library situation. Since the Lathrop School has closed, the branch library <br />which was located there has been kept intact rather than having the books <br />put back in the main library. A committee has been appointed to look into <br />the possibility of leasing a facility which presumably would have to be <br />approved by the Library Board and also by the Council. They do have this <br />small library intact which could be put in its entirety somewhere else. <br />They are studying this. Councilman McMichael stated he was very enthused <br />about the General Plan and the branch libraries. <br />Mayor Harvey asked about the feasibility of putting small branch libraries <br />in shopping centers. The City Manager stated that this is precisely what <br />the library staff, the Librarian, and the City Library Commission would like <br />to do. It constitutes a central location and you have basic parking. How- <br />ever, the City Mamagerts feeling is that is is so expensive that he has been <br />unwilling to try it. Mayor Harvey 'suggested a smaller shopping center which <br />should be more reasonable. Councilman Brooks suggested looking into prefabri- <br />cated buildings an an experimental basis; they could be moved around to <br />various areas. <br />PLANNUG COMMISSION QR 5�- Councilman Burk, as a member of the <br />Council Committee as the Planning <br />Commission, reported that there is <br />no area for any pertinent comments as to how their work can be improved. <br />He has no recommendations to the Council except that they are doing their <br />job very well. <br />YOUTH COMMMSIOli STUDY CGMlfMEE Councilman Burk, as a member of the <br />Council Committee on the Youth Com- <br />mission Study Committee, reported <br />that he has received copies of six or eight ordinances from cities that <br />felt it was necessary to set up such a commission. He said the next step <br />is to set up a committee and have a meeting with the people and see just <br />what their wants and needs are and see whether or not we can fill those <br />needs. He will meet with them within the next thirty days and report to <br />the Council later. <br />CM COUNCIL -99- January 3, 1967 <br />