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Mayor Harvey stated that apparently this is something that is needed in the <br />ecmmmuityl but he doesn't kAQW` is what form. He said the idea is that it is <br />to be a continuing body. Councilman Brooks had no cements on this. <br />Z PEbPLE-To-PEOPLE COMKITPEE Councilman Herrin stated that he has <br />not instigated any action in the People - <br />to -People program at all. since nothing <br />has come up that has caused him to. He has met with Manuel Esqueda on a <br />couple of occasions., but the program has lost a great deal of its impetus - <br />it relates to the same thing., that people are not inclined to lend a helping <br />hand voluntarily to people. Councilman Herrin thought that it was a tre- <br />mendeas pram and was hopeful that it would gain .at.. <br />Mayor Harvey said that Manuel Esqueda is planning to go down to El Salvador <br />in the coming year. Also' Mr. Esqueda is moving to Placentia" and will be <br />out of this area. <br />The City Manager stated that it was somewhat the same problem as with the youth <br />activity; it is impossible to carry on a program with just one person working <br />as hard as W. Esqueda. The program is supposed to be two cities of equal <br />stature with intereamanication between them' and one person just cannot do <br />it. There is no definite program or definite plan. <br />U,ft bs Councilman Markel told of his trip to El Salvador. <br />� R ° FORW AID SYSTEMS CCMCMEE Councilman McMichaelj, Chairman of the <br />Forms and Systems Committee9 reported <br />that they have intentionally been going <br />slowly on this program of computerizing the City. The computers are just now <br />beginning to be developed where they will handle the type of work the Citi <br />will want them to render. They have a lot of bugs which are quite costly. <br />The computers for our basic use are not in the experimental stager but will <br />be obsolescent after about twoears <br />y Alsoy a new City Hall would have same <br />bearing on the type of operation the City ultimately becomes involved in. <br />Councilman McMichael stated that we are at the point naw where we should <br />commence interviews with definite firms and recommendations. <br />The City Manager cemented an the Forme and Systems problem. He said the <br />Finance Department recommended signing up for the IBM 36020. It takes two <br />years to get it. The rental would be approximately $60,000 a year. There <br />are many changes being made all the time. Be has not been able to come to <br />a conclusion on a feasible recommendation. The Mayor stated he thinks that <br />periodically a business or a City should have a management consulting firm <br />evaluate the situation. The City Manager stated that the regular organiza- <br />tions are not capable of making this kind of study because the field is so <br />new. He said the City can't do the final work of analysis and evaluation <br />without adding a large number of people to the staff. <br />Mayor Haarvey commented that he has been very happy about the way the Council <br />has gone late the various problems of the City these past two years and <br />commended the Councilmen for their diligence and the time they have spent <br />on these problems. <br />CITY COUNCIL -100- January 3, 1967 <br />