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<br />8 <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />Direct growth inducing impacts are generally associated with <br />aspects of a project that could remove obstacles to population <br />growth or other growth such as a major expansion of a wastewater <br />treatment plant or upgrading of regional master plan <br />infrastructure and facilities that would facilitate new <br />development. Indirect or secondary growth inducing impacts <br />consists of growth inducted in the region by the demand for <br />additional housing as a result of employment generation, and <br />demand for goods and services associated with population <br />increases caused by, or attracted to, an area as a result of new <br />development. A significant growth inducing impact can occur when <br />unplanned growth exceeds the ability of the City to provide <br />essential services. Approval and implementation of the proposed <br />project would not induce substantial growth in the City, in that <br />proposed project would not involve the construction of any new <br />infrastructure systems or expansion of existing infrastructure <br />systems that would facilitate growth, or involve the development <br />of any land uses that would create additional demands for new <br />housing and public services. <br /> <br />B. <br /> <br />Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, <br />necessitating the construction of replacement housing <br />elsewhere. <br /> <br />c. <br /> <br />Displace substantial numbers of people, necessitating the <br />construction of replacement housing elsewhere? <br /> <br />No Impact <br /> <br />Based on population estimates from the California Department of <br />Finance, there were 347,237 residents in the City of Santa Ana <br />in 2003. Presently, the City has a total of 74,912 dwelling <br />units with an average household size of 4.65 persons. The Orange <br />County 2004 projections forecast that by 2005, Santa Ana would <br />have a population of 350,625 and a total of 75,671 dwelling <br />units. By 2010 the City's populations is projected to increase <br />to 359,823 with a total of 76,342 dwelling units. Approval and <br />implementation of the proposed project would not establish any <br />policies that would displace existing housing or prohibit the <br />future development of housing in the City. <br /> <br />XIII. PUBLIC SERVICES <br /> <br />Fire Protection, PoI ice Protection: No Impact <br /> <br />17 <br /> <br />t5F~~75 <br />