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<br />The City of Santa Ana provides fire protection and police <br />protection services for residents of the City. A significant <br />impact to fire protection and police protection services would <br />occur when a project or activity increase the demand for <br />services beyond the ability of the fire department or the police <br />department to provide an adequate level of service or involve <br />the construction of new facilities that could result in <br />significant impacts to the environment. <br /> <br />Approval of the proposed project would not result in the <br />development of any land uses or result in any activities that <br />would increase the demand for fire protection and police <br />protection services, over the current level of demand in the <br />City. In accordance with the revised procedures and amended <br />Circulation Element, future neighborhood traffic plans would be <br />evaluated for potential impacts to fire protection and police <br />protection services. <br /> <br />Schools: No Impact <br /> <br />Educational services for Santa Ana residents are provided by the <br />Santa Ana Unified School District, Garden Grove Unified School <br />District, Tustin Unified School District, Orange Unified School <br />District and the Rancho Santiago Community College District. A <br />significant impact to school services would occur when a project <br />or activity increase the demand for school services beyond the <br />ability of existing school facilities to provide an adequate <br />level of service and requires the construction of new school <br />facilities that could result in significant impacts to the <br />environment. Approval and implementation of the proposed project <br />would not result in the development of any land uses or result <br />in any activities that would increase the demand for school <br />facilities, over the current level of demand in the City. <br />Therefore, no significant impacts would occur to the school <br />facilities in the City. <br /> <br />Parks, Other Public Facilities: No Impact <br /> <br />The City of Santa Ana presently operates 35 facilities within <br />its parks and recreation network, along with several public <br />school grounds. The park and recreation facilities within the <br />City of Santa Ana include 342.5 acres of parklands, which is <br />equivalent to approximately one acre per 1,000 residents. <br />According to the City's General plan Land Use Element EIR, the <br />City's current goal for parkland is 2.0 acres per 1,000 <br />residents. Based on the Cities current parkland goal and <br />existing parkland to population ratio, additional parkland is <br /> <br />18 <br /> <br />7~~jt <br />