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to a <br />3. LICENSEES agree to prepare or cause to be prepared <br />and to provide to CITY, at LICENSEES' sole cost and expense, <br />construction plans and specifications for a concession <br />stand, hereinafter referred to as "said concession stand," <br />for review and approval within thirty (30) days from and <br />after the date of execution hereof. Said plans and specifi- <br />cations shall be prepared taking into account donated labor <br />and materials whenever the same can be obtained or donated <br />by LICENSEES, so that the largest and best possible con- <br />cession stand can be constructed. LICENSEES further agree <br />to use their best efforts to obtain donated labor and materials <br />for said construction. Said plans and specifications shall <br />be prepared to the satisfaction of the Director of Recreation <br />and Parks of CITY. <br />4. Upon submission of said plans and specifications, <br />CITY agrees to cause the same to be reviewed for compliance <br />with CITY'S applicable ordinances and with the purposes of <br />this Agreement. CITY shall give LICENSEES prompt and timely <br />notice of any and all corrections required to be made to <br />said plans and specifications to satisfy all of said require- <br />ments. After approval of the aforesaid plans and specifications, <br />LICENSEES, shall construct said concession stand on the <br />licensed premises in the location shown on said "Exhibit 1," <br />in conformity with the approved plans and specifications to <br />the satisfaction of CITY'S Director of Recreation and Parks, <br />and at the sole cost and expense of LICENSEES. Said con- <br />struction shall begin within 14 days of the date of <br />approval of said plans and specifications, and shall be <br />completed within 90 days thereafter. <br />5. After completion of construction, to the satis- <br />faction of CITY'S said Director of Recreation and Parks, <br />LICENSEES agree to occupy and use said concession stand <br />solely for the sale of soft drinks, fruit juices, sandwiches, <br />ice cream, gum, candies, fruits, potato chips and similar <br />items and also for the temporary storage of equipment and <br />the conducting of business incidental to the operation of <br />LICENSEES' recreation programs. The sale of tobacco and <br />alcoholic beverages is expressly prohibited. LICENSEES, and <br />each of them, covenant, by accepting the terms hereof, that <br />it will not occupy or use the licensed premises or said <br />concession stand, or permit the same to be used, for any <br />purpose other than those specified herein. <br />6. LICENSEES agree that all revenues derived from <br />sales conducted at said concession stand shall be used <br />solely for the support of youth recreational programs within <br />-2- <br />