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Eileen McNerney, TSJ Founder and Executive Director is a recipient of the acclaimed 2006 James Irvine <br />Foundation Leadership Award. <br />ors <br />Due to recent program growth, TSJ implemented edu ant trackinsystem which onal assessment and progress, well <br />student attendance, goal setting and achievement, t <br />as assisting with recruitment and retention efforts. This informa to heips staff <br />n addon, TSJ regulget st ld t acl s <br />danger of dropping out of educational or job training prog <br />the following data to measure program effectiveness: <br />Number of youth recruited for vocational programs. <br />Number of youth who complete courses of study. <br />• Attendance and punctuality rate for youth. <br />Number of who enroll in and complete high school. <br />Number of youth employed after completion of the program. <br />Number of apprentices employed 60, 90, 180, 365 days after job placement. <br />Number of apprentices previously incarcerated who remain free of violent or drug related <br />crimes. <br />Experience <br />B. Experience <br />TSJ serves the educational and job -training needs of the lunodeleugh dhe cracks of ucated and unetradimployed <br />out <br />-of- <br />school youth population of Santa Ana who have faollena comprehensive package of services <br />educational systems. TSJ accomplishes this b} p'ding <br />including: <br />y 500 youth <br />1. Provided a high school diploma program for out-of-school <br />since 1998.0Program lwas suspended in <br />successfully completed their secondary education <br />Fall 2007. Taller San Jose now partnersloareenrolled incoursework at <br />with Marketplace <br />Educational <br />Center <br />thep enter. <br />ensure <br />that students in need of a high school diploma <br />ion into community coer neclespecialist sary appl atione Santa <br />2. Assistance with transit <br />Ana College works directly with students incompleting the <br />registration, and financial aid forms. Studeest rnts twithin take dthen ommunrty college distrtaof this resource �ct. <br />receive priority registration for their first s <br />Training <br />irst <br />;. In conjunction with ROP, TSJ offered two levels <br />of classlinicalscent sinstructionffor <br />level and acute care) which provided 18 weeksroom and c <br />more than ten years. Students who completed this eceing are mber 200%t ohe for certibetter servie catiothen b}' <br />the State of California. Program was suspended in D <br />training needs of the local healthcare industry. <br />dical <br />4. Newly launched Medical Careers Academy. <br />equipm' troler San Jose launched the ub troubled young adult or entry-level <br />Careers Academy on March 3, 2008 <br />positions in healthcare. This program answers a specific need in the healthcare industry <br />for administrative and entry-level clinical personnel. <br />5. Monthly bus passes and childcare vouchers are available to students who maintain an <br />attendance rate of 90%. <br />10 <br />