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Orange County Conservation Corps <br />Santa Ana Workforce Investment Board <br />Request for Proposal <br />The Youth Service Provider Network <br />PY 2008/2009 <br />Fiscal Capacity <br />Describe the process used to capture and report fiscal data. <br />The OCCC uses fund accounting to allocate, capture, and report fiscal data. Since the OCCC has <br />multiple revenue streams (federal, state, and local), fund accounting allows expenses to be <br />tracked and allocated to individual funding sources using a specific fund account and project <br />code(s) for that fund account. The Santa Ana WIA contract will be assigned a specific fund <br />number and a specific project code(s). All allowable expenses will be tracked using the assigned <br />project code(s). Therefore, direct program costs such as staff time, corpsmember stipends, <br />employer taxes, and other expenses will be tracked using the appropriate fund and project <br />code(s) on time sheets. Costs for occupancy or transportation that are not easily tracked with <br />project codes will be allocated on a percentage basis of work hours charged to the fund. For <br />example, if the fund accounts for 10% of the total hours for that month, the fund will be <br />allocated 10% of the occupancy and transportation costs for that month. The OCCC captures <br />and reports fiscal data to the OCCC Board of Directors monthly and invoices contracts on a <br />monthly basis. <br />The OCCC undergoes several program audits and an independent financial audit each year. The <br />OCCC has not received any negative findings or management letters as a result of these audits. <br />Attach a copy of the procurement policy and procedures. <br />Please see a copy of our attached procurement policy and procedure. <br />What systems are used to ensure the fiscal accountability and appropriate expenditures, and <br />planned costs? <br />During the procurement procedure outlined above, the OCCC ensures accountability and that <br />expenditures are appropriate and planned. In order for staff to submit a purchase request, <br />staff must first determine if the purchase is within budget and which appropriate fund will be <br />charged for the purchase. Budgets and line item accounts to track expenses are maintained on <br />a monthly basis for all OCCC contracts/grants/departments. All purchase requests are reviewed <br />by the OCCC Director of Finance before payment is made. Any Purchase Request that appears <br />to be over budget or not planned will be flagged by the Director of Finance and reviewed by the <br />Executive Director for final approval. The Director of Finance reviews monthly financials with <br />the entire management team and with the Board of Directors monthly. <br />Additionally, The most recent independent audit (FY 2006-2007) shows that 89% of our funding <br />has gone to program expenses, a high mark when compared to the fact that 7 out of 10 <br />charities average 75%. <br />Describe invoicina process and list staff assianed to the task. <br />The OCCC's normal procedure is to invoice between the 10th and the 20th of each month for <br />services provided in the previous month. Invoices are prepared by the Director of Finance. All <br />hours worked to provide services are entered along with all allowable costs tracked by the <br />Page 23 of 24 <br />