various f<re, emergency medzcal, hazardous materials response sen~iees, and law
<br />enforcement agencies within the jurisdiction of the applicaniz and deployed with
<br />personnel trained in t'~e use of such equipment in a manner consistent ~••ith tlse California
<br />Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Plan or the California Fire Services and Rescue .Mutual
<br />Aid Plan.
<br />b. Is consistent with needs as identified in the State Homeland Security Strategy and will be
<br />deployed in conformance with L'~at Strategy.
<br />31. Agrees that funds awarded under this grant will be used to supplement existing funds for
<br />pxogram activities, and will not supplant (replace) non-federal. funds.
<br />3?. Will comply with aII applicable Federal statutes, regulations, policies, guidelines and
<br />requirements, including OMB Circulars A-21, A-87, ,102, A-110, A-122, and A-133, E.O.
<br />i 2372 and the current Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements.
<br />~'Vill also comply with Title 2$, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 66 and 70, that govern the
<br />application, acceptance and use of Federal funds for federally assisted projects.
<br />33. Vs~ill comply «~th provisiars of 28 CFR applicable to grants and cooperative agreements,
<br />Including:
<br />a. Part 1$, Administrative .1Zeview Procedures.
<br />h. Part 20, Criminal Justice Information Systeats.
<br />c. Part 22, Confideniialit~~ ofldentifiablc; Research and Statistical Information.
<br />d. Part 23; Criminal Intelligence Systems Operating Policies.
<br />e. Part 30, Intergovernmental Review of Department of Justice Programs and Activities.
<br />f. Part 35, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in State and Local Government
<br />Services.
<br />g. Part 38, Equal Treatment of Faith-bas:.d Orgarxizations.
<br />h_ Part f3, Floodplain Management and 1~'etland Protection Procedures,
<br />i. Part 42; Iv nndiscrirnination:`Equal Employment Qpportunities Policies and Procedures.
<br />j. Pa~t 61, Procedures far Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act.
<br />k. Part b4, Floodplain Management and Wetland Protection Procedures; and Federal laws or
<br />regulations applicable to Federal Assistance Programs.
<br />1. Part 66, Uniform Administrative Require:nen*,s for Grants and Cooperative Agreements
<br />to State and Local Governments..
<br />m, Part 67, Clovemment-~~vide Debarment and Suspension {'van-Procurement).
<br />n. Part. b9, New Resu-ictions an Lobbying.
<br />o. Part 70, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Gooperaiive Agreements
<br />(including sub-awards} u=ith Institutions of Higher Leartzing, Hosprtats and oilier Non-
<br />profit Organizations.
<br />p. Fart 83, Gavernm~t-Fide Requirements for a Drug Free Workplace (grants}.
<br />34. gill comply with Subtitle A, 7`itle II of the Arnezieans with Disabilities ,Act (AAA} 190.
<br />35. Agrees to cooperate with any assessments, national evaluation efforts., or information or data
<br />collection r~:quests, including, but not limited to, the provision of any information required for
<br />the assessment or evaluation of any activities within this agreement.
<br />36, 1T~%ill maintain procedures to minimize- the time elapsing between the award of funds and the
<br />disbursement of funels.
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