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quality grounds /landscape maintenance pursuant to the terms defined herein. The <br />Contractor shall provide all grounds /landscape maintenance at work sites listed herein, <br />including, but not limited to pruning/trimming, shaping and training of trees, shrubs, and <br />ground cover plants, removing and controlling weeds, controlling plant diseases and pests; <br />mowing turf, edging turf and ground cover; irrigating plant material; maintaining and <br />repairing irrigation systems; removing trash and debris; ball diamond maintenance; picnic <br />area maintenance; tot -lot maintenance; and, other services required to maintain the work <br />sites in a safe, attractive and useable condition. The Contractor shall maintain all plant <br />material in a healthy and beautiful condition using the best industry/ horticultural accepted <br />standards for growth, color, and appearance as determined by the Director. <br />1. <br />Scheduling of Work — Contract Start-up <br />The Contractor shall, within six (6) months after commencement of services, bring all <br />sites subject to this Agreement to the level set forth in the specifications as follows: <br />a) Turf — Aerate and fertilize all turf using Nitta King 19 -4 -4 at one (1) pound of <br />actual nitrogen at one pound per 1,000 square feet. All weeds shall be treated <br />using selective post emergent herbicides until weeds are eradicated. Dallas <br />Grass shall be eradicated using broad spectrum post emergent herbicide. <br />b) Shrubs — Fertilize using Nitrl King 19 -4 -4 at one (1) pound of actual nitrogen at <br />one pound per 1,000 square feet. Diagnose and treat all diseased or unhealthy <br />plants. Prune shrubs. Provide report of diagnosed/treated plants. <br />c) Groundcover — Plant new groundcover every 12" triangular spaced to fill in bare <br />areas. Fertilize using Nitra King 19 -4 -4 at one (1) pound of actual nitrogen at <br />one pound per 1,000 square feet. <br />d) Trees — Prune all trees to specification. Establish tree rings. <br />e) Irrigation — Perform start-up irrigation system check and repair all heads, swing <br />joints and lateral lines, raising and adjusting heads /nozzles as necessary. <br />Provide proposals to perform extra work for valve, main line, field wire, <br />backflow prevention devices, etc. repairs. <br />f) Mulch — Install an approved mulch size 0" to 1 -1/2" or approved equal %2" thick <br />in all planters, designated tree rings and other designated areas. <br />g) Pavement Cleaning — Perform hardscape pressure washing per Section B.2.9.c of <br />routine maintenance specification. <br />h) Contractor understands that it is assuming maintenance responsibility of the <br />parks /locations "as is" and is responsible for improving all aspects of the parks, <br />irrigation system, hardscape, turf, ground cover, plants and all other areas to the <br />quality described in these specifications, at no additional cost to the City, during <br />the six month start-up period. <br />