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performance and maintenance including, but not limited to, performing all <br />irrigation checks /report writing and to perform repairs and/or, modifications to <br />the irrigation system. You proposal will be evaluated on the qualifications of <br />this individual and the amount of FTE's you assign to each district. <br />C) The Contractor shall insure that all staff has a minimum of two years of <br />landscape maintenance experience or education. <br />d) The Director may request that the Contractor perform additional work or <br />services to meet the performance standards required by this Agreement. <br />e) Director may require Contractor to remove any employee from work sites at his <br />or her discretion. <br />4. Materials <br />a) The Contractor shall submit to the Director a list of all materials and/or <br />chemicals that may be used pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. The list <br />shall include Material Safety Data Sheets and chemical analysis where <br />applicable, recommended usage and any other manufacturers data that may be <br />pertinent. The list must be submitted before any materials /chemicals are used <br />pursuant to this Agreement. <br />b) The materials and chemicals utilized in furtherance of this Agreement shall <br />comply with the following standards: <br />(1) All fertilizers shall be complete, furnishing the required percentage of <br />nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash to keep lawns, trees, shrubs and other <br />plants in a healthy and vigorous growing condition. <br />(2) Pesticides including but not limited to: Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, <br />algaecides, avacides, and rodenticides shall be of the best quality <br />obtainable and available on the market, properly labeled with guaranteed <br />analysis, and brought to the job site in the manufacturer's original <br />container. <br />(3) Tree stakes, tree ties and guy wires shall be of materials matching those <br />existing at the work site or as specified by the Director. <br />5. Recycling <br />All organic waste (including leaves, grass clippings, brush, branches, and tree parts) <br />resulting from work performed under this contract shall be disposed of pursuant to the <br />requirements of the Santa Ana Municipal Code (SAMC) Chapter 16. Organic waste <br />cannot be taken to a landfill. Every month, the Contractor shall submit receipts from <br />licensed compositors /green waste recycling facilities, to the Director listing the tons of <br />organic waste recycled and the names and addresses of the composting or processing <br />companies. <br />13 <br />