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C. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE <br />Routine maintenance shall include but not be limited to the following services performed at <br />the Work Sites listed in Exhibit E. <br />I. Turf Care <br />Turf care shall be differentiated by the two types of turf - "Casual Turf' and <br />"Sport/Priority Turf (see site maps in Attachment 2 that identify the areas for each <br />type of turf). Note that the ball diamond infield sub - contractor shall perform all <br />maintenance of turf inside the infield arc line. This includes the infield turf and the <br />foul territory turf. <br />a) Mowing <br />All "casual" turf (non- sport/priority turf) shall be mowed: 1) weekly <br />May 1 through October 31 and, 2) every other week November 1 <br />through April 30. The Contractor shall use a tractor powered reverse flail <br />mower for the larger open turf areas, a 52" mower and a small walk <br />behind mower for areas between trees and other park amenities. The <br />Director shall determine height of cut. String trimmers are not allowed <br />for mowing turf. Any visible clippings shall be collected and disposed <br />of pursuant to SAMC Chapter 16. <br />(1) All " sport/priority" turf as described in Attachment No. 2 shall be <br />mowed once a week all year. Any visible clippings shall be collected <br />and disposed of pursuant to SAMC Chapter 16. The Contractor shall <br />mow the sport/priority turf areas at '/4" to 1" using a power driven <br />fairway reel mower and a walk behind reel mower along skinned infield <br />brickdust areas, turf infields, turf infield foul areas, soccer /football <br />fields, soccer /football out of bound areas. The Director's Representative <br />shall direct the Contractor to mow the sport/priority turf lower than 1/4" <br />to 1" if necessary. Note that the ball diamond infield maintenance sub- <br />contractor shall be responsible for mowing turf infields and other <br />designated ball diamond turf areas. (see Attachment 1). <br />(2) The Contractor shall maintain mowers that provide a smooth, even cut <br />without ridges or depressions and without tearing of the leaf blades <br />(caused by unsharpened mower blades). Mowing shall be performed at <br />the speed the mowers manufacturer specifies to maximize quality of cut. <br />Mowing shall be performed with straight and flowing patterns approved <br />by the Director's Representative. The emphasis will be on quality <br />mowing vs. speed and unprofessional patterns. From time to time the <br />Director will direct the Contractor to change mowing pattern to <br />minimize rutting and compaction. The Contractor shall mow grasses <br />and broadleaf plants once per month in the Santiago Park Day Camp <br />(Nature Reserve) meadow area. <br />b) Edging and Detailing <br />14 <br />