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All edging shall be performed with the use of a McClain's edger or approved <br />substitute. Stick edgers are not allowed. Contractor shall edge all turf adjacent <br />to all improved hard surfaces such as concrete, decomposed granite, asphalted <br />concrete paved areas. Edging/detailing shall be performed at the same time <br />mowing occurs. Chemical detailing of turf may occur with the Director's <br />approval. If chemical detailing is performed, the Contractor shall use the string <br />trimmer to remove the treated turf within one (1) week after symptoms of <br />phytotoxicity become recognizable. <br />(1) The Contractor shall use the McClain's edger to edge straight lines along <br />fences, walls, or long flowing arcs. The Director's Representative may <br />require the Contractor to use string lines to edge straight lines if the <br />Contractor's staff fails to achieve this quality without this method. <br />(2) The Contractor shall detail around trees, along walls /fences and other <br />park amenities first using a sharpened shovel cut to establish a concentric <br />round circle around trees, poles, etc. Once the initial detailed circle is <br />established a string trimmer may be used to maintain the circle. Should <br />the circle begin to deform the Director shall direct the Contractor to <br />repeat the detail process. <br />(3) The Contractor shall detail turf not greater than 10" away from walls or <br />fences. Detail lines shall be made straight and shall be maintained <br />straight. The Contractor shall, at his own cost, supply top soil and an <br />approved turf seed to reduce any existing bare soil areas along <br />walls /fences that are greater than 10 ". <br />c) Fertilization <br />(1) Casual Turf - Contractor shall apply fertilizer three (3) times per year at <br />a rate specified in the City's Agronomic Plan (see Attachment 3) with <br />Nitra King 19-4 -4 during fall - winter and Lesco 39 -0 -0 during spring - <br />summer months. <br />(2) Sport Turf/Priority - Contractor shall apply fertilizer six (6) times per <br />year per the City's Agronomic Plan" (see Attachment 3) using a <br />complete or approved fertilizer. The rate of application shall be at a rate <br />specified in the City's Agronomic Plan. The Director may request proof <br />of fertilizer application in the form of empty fertilizer bags. <br />d) Irrigation -all turf <br />(1) Contractor shall ensure irrigation schedules are constantly monitored to <br />provide adequate moisture in the soil for healthy turf, and avoid excess <br />wet conditions. <br />(2) Contractor shall not schedule irrigation of sports fields at least 24 hours <br />prior to the mowing process. During cooler periods of the year avoid <br />15 <br />