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City of Santa Ana Energy Leader Partnership <br />S. Program Element Rationale and Expected Outcome <br />a) Quantitative Baseline and Market Transformation Liforrnation <br />By its nature, market transformation occurs as a result of numerous factors and <br />programs, not single sub-programs. Therefore, alt metrics are proposed at the highest <br />program level. Please refer to the quantitative baseline and market transformation <br />discussion, presented in the overaJ l program PIP. <br />Table 3 -Refer to the overarching program for quantitative baseline metrics <br />b) Market Transformation Information <br />By its nature, market transfol•ination occurs as a result of numerous factors and <br />programs, not single szib-programs. Therefore, all metrics and goals are proposed at <br />the highest program level. Please refer to the quantitative baseline and market <br />transformation discussion, presented in the overall program PIP. <br />Table 4 -Refer to the overarching program for market transformation metrics <br />c) Program Desien to Overcame Barriers <br />Santa Ana has large Hispanic and Asian populations many of whom do not speak <br />English. In addition, many of the city's residents are economically disadvantaged <br />with 18% of the population living below the poverty line. These demographic <br />characteristics are a significant barrier to energy efficiency. To address this barrier, <br />the City is developing a strategy for the Partnership Program that utilizes an <br />expansive multi-lingual approach to implement a variety of public education <br />programs in both English and Spanish languages (and Vietnamese in targeted events). <br />This strategy wilt increase energy savings from customers ~vho traditionally may not <br />pal•ticipate in energy efficiency programs to help combat the effects of climate <br />change. Public education will be delivered at community events, tluough local <br />schools and municipal services bills, via direct malt, and through the partnership's <br />webpage. Training will be provided through business organizations such as the <br />Greater Santa Ana Business Alliance, the Orange County Hispanic Chamber and/ol• <br />the South Santa Ana Merchants Association. <br />e) Quantitative Program Targets <br />Table 5 <br /> <br />Pra ram Element Program <br />Tar et b 2049 Program Target <br />b 2010 Program <br />Tar et b 2011 <br />kWh TBD TBD TBD <br />Number of Worksho s 2 b 10 <br />Number of Ordinances, Codes, etc. 0 0 ~ 0 <br /># of ME&O Events conducted that <br />tar et customers 2 ~ ~ <br />Southern California Edison 2009 - 2011 Energy Efficiency Plans <br />f 49 March 2009 <br />