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providing significant bottom line savings for Santa Ana businesses. It is through all these <br />various links that the SAWC is able to provide the community with quality job placement <br />assistance and offer connections to a strong labor market. The SAWC will offer assistance and <br />guidance in job placement by notifying Service Providers and youth of job opportunities, <br />employer on-site hiring recruitments, and job fairs. SAWC will notify Service Providers daily of <br />newjob openings via electronic mail and flyers regarding job announcements. <br />For the past two years, the SAWC has been an integrated one-stop service system and has <br />merged their resources and staffing with our various partners including EDD. This integrated <br />approach allows more individual assistance for our older youth to find employment. Workshops <br />on resume writing and interviewing techniques are just a few of the added components to help <br />them find employment. The SAWC also offers "ProveIt", a computerized assessment tool that <br />provides clients with the opportunity to assess their skills and knowledge in over 100 skills and <br />career interest. <br />PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT <br />The SAWC, through its extensive experience in administering Federal and State funded <br />programs, understands that WIA performance management is vital to the success of the YSPN. <br />As of July 1, 2007 the Department of Labor (DOL), Employment and Training Administration <br />(ETA) approved the Common Performance Measures. As the Service Navigator, the SAWC <br />prepared for these changes and had staff attend common measure trainings through DOL and at <br />the annual California Workforce Association Conferences. This is just one example of our <br />commitment to helping the YSPN stay in compliance and up-to-date with new regulations so the <br />YSPN can succeed in meeting all Federal, State, and locally mandated performance measures. <br />The SAWC also provided training on Common Measures to allow all Service Providers to have a <br />basic understanding of what Common Measures are and how they will affect them. <br />The SAWC will provide all Service Providers with individual exit oversight. Staff will meet <br />individually with each Service Provider to go over exit strategies for each youth actively enrolled <br />on their case load and evaluate which youth are ready to exit the program and how their exit will <br />9 <br />