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i <br /> Agency is recorded, quiet and ~eacefui. passesston of saki red prapcy, whicb shall be made free by feller of all <br /> persenal prapty, <br /> 'ai~ers. The wai'~er by agency of and breach of any covenant or agrennt herein contained an the <br /> part of feller shall not be deemed ar held t~ ~ a waiver of any ~ubse~~ent or other breach of covenant ox . <br /> agreement nor a waiver ~f any breach of any other covenants or agreements caz~tained hcre~. <br /> I~e~rs5 Assi, etc. <br /> This Agrceent, and alI tha terms, covenants and conditions hereof, sha~.1 apply to and bind ~e b~eirs, <br /> executors, administrators, successors and assigns ofthe respective partial bereta~ f <br /> ~ Time is of the ~ssenco, ~n ail matters and th~uags hereunder to be done and in all payments hereunder <br /> be n~adc, time is and shall be ofthe essence, <br /> ~ ~ . ~ernaission to >~n#er on ~ren~is elicr b.exeby grants Agency, and its autho~.~ed agents, per~issian to <br /> enter upon said real propel at all reasonable tomes prior to close ofescrow fir the purpose afmal~ng necessary <br /> u~ecti~ns, <br /> dust tom ensation, e~~er acknowledges and agrees that said purchase p~ic~e is ~nst c~mpensa~.on at fair <br /> ml~et ~alae far said real property and includes any and all Mures and e~uiprtlent, goodwill cif any} and <br /> 1 <br /> ~ 1 ~~?Vn~e• <br /> 3 <br /> } <br /> t <br /> 1~ notices. The n~ailirig address ofthe feller is o~~th poplar tree~3 art ~~a, alifot~nia, The <br /> <br /> mailing address afthe Agency is ~ i~ic tenter ~l~a, I~Z~, Santa .if~rnia ~7~~. <br /> t <br /> { <br /> ~ce~ti~ns. ~geney agrees to accept title to said. red property subject to tie fallawig; ~o ~~eept~ans~ <br /> 15. entire ~re~~ntlNo ~r~ers, ~t is ~nut~al~y agreed that .e des ~eret~ h.a~e h~~i~ yet f~r~h the <br /> while of their Agre~e~nent, erf~rmance of this Agreement by Agency shall lay at rest, each, every and a.ll <br /> issue~s~ that were raxscd or Gaud have been raised. in cannec~.on w1t~ the acquisxtxon ~f said real property by t <br /> <br /> Agency. each party shall be solely responsible far any brokers or brol~er fees in conjnnctian with this <br /> transaction, <br /> ~ , Hazardous 'haste. either feller nor, to tb:e best ~af eller~s l~nawiedge, any precious owner, tenant, <br /> occupant, ar user of the property used, generated, released, discharged, stOr~d, or disposed Qf any b.a~ard~us <br /> <br /> waste, topic substances, or related n~atials ~?'~a~ardou.s'} an., under, or about the property, or <br /> ~anspo~cd any ~Ia~ard~aus Niater~.als to or tram ~e l~ropcrty, cller shall not cause or permit the presence, use, <br /> generation, release, discharge, storage, ar disposal of any a~ardous Materials on, under, in, or about, or the <br /> transportation of any ~Ia~ardaus Materials to or from, the property. The term, "a~ardous i~ateria.l'r shall mean <br /> any s~bstar~ce, ma~ter~al, ar waste vvhiCh is or becomes regulated by any local governmental authority, the Mate <br /> of alxforn~a, or the noted Mates o~errlcnta including, but not limited ta, any .aterial or substance which is <br /> 3 <br /> defined. ~ "hazardous ate", "~~tre~1~~~ hazardous waste"~ or '~r~s~rl.Cted hazardous w~s~ot' un[~er section <br /> 1 i 5 ~ ~ 7 ar S 1 ~~,7, or ~~stcd pursuant to Section Z ~ 4~ of the aiifoia health and ,safety ogle, <br /> <br /> ~xvision chapter ~Ia~ardous waste antral ~aw~, iii defined as ~'ha~ardau substance~t under section <br /> ~531~ o'the California I~ealth and safety bode, Dx~ision ~4, chapter ~arpenter~~resley~Tanner Hazardous <br /> ~~btance Account Act}, viii} de~.ned as a "ha,~ardous", "hazardous subs~nce~', ar "'ha~ardaus waste, <br /> under Section ~~5~1 afthe alif~oa.ia ~Iealth and Safety bode, Division Q, chapter .~5 a~ardous aterxals <br /> <br /> Release response Plans and inventory, ~i~~ defined as a "ha~a~dous substance" under Section 251 of the <br /> alifo~. health and Safety fade, I~l~zsion ~hapt~er underground Storage of ~Ia~ardous ~.bstances~, <br /> petrOleu, ~vi~ asbestos, ~i~ polychlorinated bipbenyls, ~~r~xi~ listed under Article or defined as <br /> <br />