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orlhel)eparlment ofJusGceto de(emtinelhe conkaotor'scompliance withlhe <br />requiremenlswderparagraph(a), <br />January 1, 2007, the contractor oedifies that contractor is in compliance with Public <br />7. DOMESTIC PAPWPPq% <br />The following laws apply In persons or entities doing business with the State of <br />Contract Code section 10295.3 <br />DOING BUSINESS WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />California <br />I.CONFLICT?P?T Contractor needs to be aware of the following <br />provisions <br />regar(lingnunantor formersfa employees, If Contractor has any guesdonson the <br />status of any person rendering services or involved with the Agreement, the awarding <br />agency must be contacted immediately for clarificat <br />Currant State Employees (Pub. Contract Code §10410) <br />I). No officer or employee shall engage in any employment, aNivhy ar enterprisefiom <br />which the officer or employeereceives oompensadon or has a financial interest and <br />which is sponsored or funded by any state agency, uulesslhe employmenk activi(y or <br />enteapdse is requimd as a oon?ticn of regular sfataemploymeot, <br />2). No offiner or employee shall contract on his or her awn behalf as an independent <br />contractor with any state agency to provide goads ar services, <br />FonnerSateEmployees(Pub.ContractCode§T0411); <br />1). Forthe two-yearpericd fiom fhedate hear she le$state employment, nc formersate <br />officer or employee may enter into a contract in which he or she engageA in any of the <br />negoliaGons, hansactiens, planrting, arrangements or any pad of thedecisiommak?g <br />process releusnt to tVe contract while employed in any capacity by aQy state agency. <br />2), For the twelve•monfh period from the dale be or she I¢R sate employment, no former <br />slate offirzr or employeemay enter into a contrarA with any state agency if he or she was <br />employed by !hat stela agency inapoGGymakingpositioninihe same general subject <br />area astheproposedcontractwi[hin?e 12•mon[hperiodpnor(ohisorherleavingstate <br />service, <br />If Contrarxorviolates anyprovisionsofe6ovepamgraphs, such action by Contractor sha(I <br />render ais Agreementvoid. (Puh. Contract Code§10920) <br />Members of boards and commissions me a»emp[ &am [his section if they do not rerziva <br />paymentotherfhanpaymenlofeechmeeliug offheboard or ooounission, paymenffor <br />preparatory Wneendpaymenl forperdiem (Pub. Contract Code§!0430 (e))