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Chapter 2 CEQA Findings <br /> <br /> <br />Impact Statement <br /> <br />Evidence/Rationale Supporting Findings <br /> <br />Mitigation Measures <br /> <br />Findings Level of <br />Significance after <br />Mitigation <br /> and result in a less than significant impact. <br /> However, neither the City, as the lead <br /> agency for this project, or the Agency, as <br /> the responsible agency for the Developer <br /> Project, has any control over major <br /> freeway improvements. As such, unless <br /> permission is given from Caltrans, this <br /> traffic impact would remain unmitigated. <br />UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS <br />Impact 4.12-4 Long-term New development within the project area MM4.12-1 Individual project applicants shall Finding 1 Less than <br />cumulative pursuant to the would result in an incremental increase in prepare site-specific sewer evaluations, The Agency finds that changes or alterations significant <br />Transit Zoning Code (SD 84) sewer generation, potentially resulting in including flow monitoring and modeling, have been required in, or incorporated into, the <br />could require the construction an exceedance of existing sewer during the project design to determine the project which would avoid or substantially <br />of new or expanded conveyance capacity. However, adequacy of the existing sewer pipe capacity lessen the significant environmental effect as <br />wastewater conveyance implementation of mitigation measure in the affected project area lines. The identified in the final EIR. <br />systems, the construction of MM4.12-2 which requires OCSD approval evaluation shall be submitted to the City of <br />which would not cause prior to the issuance of building permits Santa Ana or OCSD, as appropriate, for <br />significant environmental and continued water conservation review and approval prior to issuance of <br />effects. practices would ensure that impacts the building permits. Any recommendations made <br /> wastewater conveyance system would be in the site-specific sewer evaluations shall be <br /> less than significant. incorporated into the design of each individual <br /> project. <br />Impact 4.12-8 Long-term Implementation of future development MM4.12-2 Individual non-residential project Finding 1 Less than <br />cumulative development under the proposed Transit Zoning Code applicants are encouraged to apply for The Agency finds that changes or alterations significant <br />pursuant to the Transit would increase demand on electricity Southern California Edison's "Savings By have been required in, or incorporated into, the <br />Zoning Code (SD 84) would supply and delivery constraints, and for Design" program. The program is aimed at project which would avoid or substantially <br />increase the demand for natural gas. However, compliance with generating an overall reduction in energy use lessen the significant environmental effect as <br />electricity and gas, but would energy conservation measured contained through design methods and incentive identified in the final EIR. <br />not require or result in the in Title 24 and implementation of MM4.12- programs by maintaining a 15% or greater <br />construction of new energy 3 and MM4.12-3 and MM4.12-4 would exceedance of Title 24. <br />production or transmission foster efficient energy use and sure that a MM4.12-3 Individual development projects <br />facilities, the construction of less than significant impact remains with within the boundaries of the Transit Zoning <br />which could cause a respect to energy. Code (SD 84) shall implement energy <br />significant environmental <br />2-46 Revised Station District Project and FOL Settlement Agreement Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Considerations