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Environmental Consulting Services (200 East First American Way) ( City of Santa Ana <br />and the historical approach to solving congestion problems (increasing roadway capacity by widening streets, or <br />building new roads) is the least likely option to be considered by the City. <br />In terms of land use compatibility, the project would generally be consistent with the District Center concepts, goals, and <br />policies, Including land use and energy goals related to reducing land use-related energy consumption. These goals and <br />policies encourage higher density mixed-use housing and office development to relate to areas of higher transportation <br />access and capacity. In recent decades, Santa Ana has experienced slower growth in housing, due in part to the lack of <br />vacant land and built out fabric. At the same time, the City's population increased by about 60,000, due In part to <br />increased Immigration and demographic trends reflective of southern California. The General Plan anticipates additional <br />infill housing through 2015 particularly In the City's District Centers. <br />ICF will bring our past experience working with the City of Santa Ana as well as other local government agencies In <br />preparing environmental documents for similar types of infill projects to bear on the proposed project. <br />Scope of Work for the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) <br />ICF will prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in accordance with State CEQA Guidelines, as well as all up-to-date <br />CEQA-related legislation and case law. The environmental analysis will focus on the project, as delineated In the project <br />description, preliminary engineering designs, and other information provided by the City and/or Project Applicant. ICF <br />understands that our scope of work for environmental review and technical services needed for the 200 East First <br />American Way project will involve the tasks outlined below. <br />Task 1. Project Initiation/Develop Project Description and Objectives <br />Chad Beckstrom and Renee Escario, as the project management team, will meet with the City's project team within five <br />days of the Notice to Proceed (NTP) to discuss the project issues, refine our scope if necessary, and gather project specific <br />data and materials (including design details, construction assumptions, and construction schedule) to begin the <br />environmental analyses. <br />Following this meeting, ICF will review this information to gain a firm understanding of the project and the Issues. Our <br />project management and necessary technical staff will conduct field visits to review the site and the overall context of the <br />surrounding area. Renee will prepare an information needs request to identify any additional project specific information <br />that will be needed for preparation of the EIR. Renee and Chad will also work with the City to develop the project <br />objectives and a detailed project description. <br />At the completion of this task, Renee will provide the City with a Draft Project Description and project objectives for <br />review. <br />Deliverables <br />¦ Attendance atone project Initiation meeting (two team members attending), including travel time and preparation. <br />¦ Attendance atone site visit (assumes up to four team members), including drive time and preparation. <br />® Draft and final project description and objectives (assumes one round of review and revision) <br />¦ Memo documenting information requests. <br />Task 2. Prepare a Draft Initial Study/Notice of Preparation (IS/NOP) <br />ICF will prepare a Draft IS/NOP for the project, which will include an evaluation of the environmental resources contained <br />In the CEQA Environmental Checklist. The IS/NOP will include: <br />• Discussion of existing conditions; <br />¦ Project description; <br />¦ Evaluation of all potential environmental impacts; and <br />¦ identification of environmental issues to be analyzed in the EiR. <br />Use or disclosure of data contawied on this sheet is subject <br />to the restriction on the Lille page of this proposal. Page 9 <br />25G-21