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Environmental Consulting Services (200 East First American Way) i City of Santa Ana <br />TIA Task 2: Data Collection and Research <br />¦ Visit the project study area to confirm existing conditions with respect to existing site development, local area <br />development, site access, parking use, and areas of congestion in order to verify our overall understanding of <br />traffic conditions in the area that might affect this project. <br />o Document the existing roadway striping, traffic control measures, curbside parking restrictions, adjacent <br />intersection configurations, and other pertinent roadway features. <br />¦ Obtain existing street improvement plans/striping plans for key roadways in the immediate vicinity of the <br />project site. Compile information with regards to planned street improvements in the project study area. <br />¦ Conduct AM peak period and PM peak period traffic volume counts at up to fifteen (15) study intersections. <br />The traffic counts will be conducted between the hours of 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM. <br />These traffic volume data will be utilized in the traffic impact analysis for the project. The number and location <br />of the study intersections will be verified with City staff prior to commencement of the analysis. Should traffic <br />and analysis of additional intersections be required (i.e., more than 15 intersections), an amendment to the TIA <br />scope and budget will be necessary. <br />¦ Conduct 24-hour machine traffic counts at up to fifteen (15) roadway segments to support the Greenhouse <br />Gas, Air Quality and Noise analyses. <br />e Research data at the City of Santa Ana, adjacent jurisdictions and recent traffic impact studies prepared for <br />developments in the project vicinity regarding the status of other proposed developments (related projects) in <br />the area that may contribute cumulative impacts to the adjacent street system and study locations in the <br />vicinity of the proposed project. The compiled list of related projects will be forwarded for review and <br />approval by City staff. <br />rt Obtain development information for the remaining vacant portion of the 3-acre parcel to include as a related <br />project in the cumulative traffic setting. <br />TIA Task 3: Trip Generation, Distribution, and Assignment <br />¦ Prepare trip generation forecasts for the proposed project for a typical weekday over a 24-hour period, as well <br />as for the commuter AM and PM peak hours. The trip generation forecasts will be derived from trip rates <br />listed in Trip Generation, 8 h Edition, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) in 2008. <br />Appropriate trip generation credits will also be applied for the existing land uses on site, mixed-use <br />development, and transit, if applicable. <br />¦ Assign the forecasted AM and PM peak hour trips expected to be generated by the proposed project to the <br />study intersections based on existing and anticipated traffic patterns to and from the project site, and input <br />from City staff. The assumed distribution pattern will be submitted for review and approval by City staff prior <br />to finalization. <br />¦ Prepare trip generation forecasts for the related projects for a typical weekday over a 24-hour period, as well <br />as for the commuter AM and PM peak hours utilizing the ITE Trip Generation publication. The AM and PM <br />peak hour trips expected to be generated by the related projects will be distributed and assigned to the local <br />street system. <br />TIA Task 4: Formulation of Existing Plus Project, Near-Term, and long-term Traffic Volumes <br />¦ Develop daily, AM peak hour and PM peak hour "existing plus project" traffic volume projections for 15 <br />intersections and 15 roadway segments. <br />¦ Develop daily, AM peak hour and PM peak hour "near-term" traffic volume projections based on the <br />application of an annual growth factor to the existing traffic volumes plus the addition of related project <br />traffic plus the addition of Project traffic for 15 intersections and 15 roadway segments. <br />Use of disclosae of data contained on this sheet is subject <br />to ilia restriction on the tide page of this proposal. <br />Page 11 <br />25G-23