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Environmental Consulting Services (200 East First American Way) City of Santa Ana <br />TIA Task G: Site Access and Circulation Review <br />¦ Review the proposed site plan and provide recommendations to address City concerns regarding site access <br />and circulation. Prepare AM and PM peak hour LOS calculations at the project driveways. <br />¦ Evaluate and comment on the proposed access and internal circulation scheme of the proposed project, with <br />a focus on on-site circulation layout and design, ingress and egress safety opportunities and constraints, <br />adequate sight distances at project driveways, pedestrian circulation, locations of proposed driveways with <br />respect to existing (conflicting) driveways, striping configurations, and median modifications, if any. <br />TIA Task 7: Alternative Projects Trip Generation Comparison <br />¦ Prepare a qualitative trip generation comparison between the proposed project and up to four (4) project <br />alternatives. <br />TIA Task 8: Construction Traffic Assessment <br />¦ Prepare a qualitative construction traffic assessment for the proposed project to include a trip generation <br />analysis and a construction traffic management plan. Trip generation forecasts will be developed for the <br />following construction activities: 1) demolition, 2) site preparation, and/or 3) building construction. In order to <br />forecast the potential construction related trips associated with the construction activities at the project site, <br />the hours of operation, duration, number of truck trips and employees at the site will be needed. <br />TIA Task 9: Preparation of the TIA <br />• Prepare a Screencheck TiA that details all of the above-mentioned items including our analysis, findings and <br />conclusions. The Screencheck TIA will be suitably documented with tabular, graphic and appendix material. <br />The report will be submitted for screen-check review by the appropriate members of the project team and the <br />city. <br />If necessary, revise the Screencheck report based on project team and City comments and submit a Draft TIA <br />for inclusion into the Draft EIR. The Draft TIA will be suitably documented with all tabular, graphic and <br />appendix materials. <br />The completed technical report will be provided as an Appendix to the EIR and summarized in the traffic section <br />of the EIR. <br />Air Quality Impact and Greenhouse Gas Analysis <br />An air quality impact and greenhouse gas technical analysis will be prepared consistent with the technical <br />requirements and methodologies outlined in the South Coast Air Quality Management District's (SCAQMD) CEQA <br />Air Quality Handbook (as updated per the revisions posted on the SCAQMD website), Localized Significance <br />Threshold Methodology for CEQA Evaluations, and Particulate Matter (PM) 2.5 Significance Thresholds and <br />Calculation Methodology guidance documents. <br />Climate change/GHG emissions, specific methodologies and thresholds will be developed based on information <br />provided in the California Air Resources Board (CARE) publication Local Government Operations Protocol for the <br />Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories and consultations with City and SCAQMD <br />staff members. The air quality assessment will consist of the following: <br />¦ Regulatory Setting. The regulatory setting will include pertinent air quality statutes and regulations, including <br />the federal Clean Air Act, California and National Ambient Air Quality Standards, and SCAQMD Air Quality <br />Management Plan (AQMP) consistency. <br />¦ Existing Air Quality Conditions. The project site is located within the SCAQMD Source Receptor Area No. 17 <br />(Central Orange County), and as such, local air quality will be characterized by ambient air quality data <br />collected at the Anaheim ambient air monitoring station. A summary of regional meteorology and local air <br />Use of dlsclosure ofdare contained on this sheet is subject <br />to theresirk9oa on the title page of Wsproposal. <br />Page 13 <br />25G-25