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Environmental Consulting Services (200 East First American Way) I City of Santa Ana <br />quality conditions as measured at said monitoring station and a description of monitoring data compares to <br />national and state ambient air quality standards. <br />e Construction-Period Mass Emissions. A construction emissions inventory that will include combustion <br />emissions related to construction equipment operation; fugitive emissions related to site preparation and <br />earthmoving activities; mobile source emissions related to construction worker and haul truck trips; and ROC <br />emissions related architectural coating application and asphalt pavement. The emission inventory will then be <br />compiled on a daily basis and compared to SCAQMD regional emissions and localized emissions thresholds to <br />determine significance. <br />¦ Operations-Period Mass Emissions Analysis. A regional emissions inventory including a quantification of <br />mobile source emissions related to project-generated traffic and stationary source emissions related to energy <br />demand (i.e., electricity and natural gas consumption) will be included in the analysis. This emission inventory <br />will be compiled using the URBEMIS 2007 land use emissions model, or other approved model, and compared <br />to applicable SCAQMD daily emissions thresholds to determine significance. <br />¦ Localized Carbon Monoxide Concentration Analysis. The analysis will include the degree to which project- <br />related traffic volumes have a potential to effect local carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations using California <br />Department of Transportation CO Hotspot Protocol. Potential impacts will be evaluated utilizing the CALINE4 <br />dispersion model and EMFAC 2007 emissions factors at up to 8 intersection locations for six scenarios (Le., <br />Existing No-Project, Existing with Project, Existing with Project Alternative, Future No-Project, Future with <br />Project, and Future with Project Alternative). <br />¦ Potential for Health Risk Impacts. Based on a review of the Project Description, a quantitative health risk <br />assessment (HRA) will not be required. Impacts related to toxic air contaminant (TAC) emissions during short- <br />term construction and long-term operations will be evaluated qualitatively. <br />¦ Climate Change/Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Using guidance detailed in the Local Government Operations <br />Protocol for the Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories (CARB, September 25, <br />2008), project-related GHG emissions will be estimated using the a combination of approved software <br />programs and the GHG calculation formulas provided in the California Climate Action Registry, General <br />Reporting Protocol, Reporting Entity-Wide Greenhouse Gas Emissions, version 3.1. Significance criteria will be <br />developed based on discussions with SCAQMD and City staff members, using the CARB preliminary draft staff <br />proposal Recommended Approaches for Setting Interim Significance Thresholds for Greenhouse Gases under the <br />California Environmental Quality Act (CARB, October 24, 2008) and the Preliminary Draft CEQA Guideline <br />Amendments for Greenhouse Gas Emissions (OPR, January 8, 2009) as points of departure. <br />¦ Consistency with AQMP. The analysis will evaluate the project's consistency with the SCAQMD's 2007 AQMP <br />in accordance with the procedures set forth by the SCAQMD. <br />¦ Mitigation Measures. Mitigation measures will be developed, where applicable, to address any significant air <br />quality impacts. <br />Noise Impact Study <br />ICF will conduct a noise analysis for the proposed project in accordance with CEQA requirements. Our local noise <br />engineer is certified by the Institute of Noise Control Engineers and has conducted numerous analyses for projects <br />involving residential uses. The Noise Impact Study will: <br />¦ Identify relevant noise regulations (City, State and federal) and determine significance thresholds by which to <br />compare potential project impacts. <br />¦ Identify existing land uses in the project area along with existing sources of noise, including the nearby <br />roadways. <br />¦ Quantify existing noise conditions in the project area based on noise measurements. Five short-term noise <br />measurements (10-15 minutes in duration) and one long-term measurement (24 hour) are included within this <br />Use or disclosure of dare contalnerfon this sheet is subject <br />to the restr0on on the tide page o/this proposal. <br />Page 14 <br />25G-26