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Environmental Consulting Services (200 East First American Way) I City of Santa Ana <br />scope of work. The short-term noise measurements will be conducted at potentially sensitive noise receivers <br />and the long-term measurement will be conducted on the project site. <br />to Evaluate construction noise based on construction equipment data to be provided by the City and noise <br />modeling methods recommended by the U.S. Department of Transportation. <br />• Model conditions using traffic data provided by LLG, traffic noise along project-adjacent roadways and noise <br />generated by the neighboring land uses, using the most recent version of the FHWA-approved traffic noise <br />prediction model. Key roadway segments will be assessed, to adequately determine existing and future <br />conditions. <br />• Predict noise from the on-site operations (i.e., traffic, parking lot, and project equipment) at the nearest noise- <br />sensitive land uses using data from similar, prior projects and available published data. <br />e Give special consideration to nearby sensitive receptors, including existing residences and hotel. <br />The significance of noise impacts will be assessed based on relevant thresholds (City of Santa Ana, State and <br />federal). If significant noise impacts are identified, mitigation measures to reduce impacts to a less-than- <br />significant level (where feasible) will be recommended. The findings of the noise analysis will be included in a <br />technical report provided as an Appendix to the EIR and summarized in the noise section of the EIR. <br />Cultural Resource Evaluation <br />ICF recommends that a records search, locality search, site visit, and assessment report be prepared to evaluate <br />the potential for archeological and paleontological resources to be found on the project site. This evaluation will: <br />¦ Conduct research records at the South Central Coastal Information Center of the California Historical <br />Resources Information System (CHRIS). <br />o Survey the site in accordance with professional standards and methodologies. For costing, we assume no <br />resources will be identified in the field requiring evaluation. <br />• Will follow the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology's guidelines related to paleontological resources, which are <br />widely accepted as an industry standard. <br />¦ Assess the project-related risks to paleontological resources by utilizing published geologic and <br />paleontological literature and museum databases, likely including the databases of the Los Angeles County <br />Museum of Natural History, San Bernardino County Museum, University of California Riverside, California <br />Academy of Sciences, and University of California Museum of Paleontology in Berkeley. <br />The findings of the cultural resource evaluation will be included in a technical report provided as an Appendix to <br />the EIR and summarized in the Cultural Resource section of the EIR. <br />Task 5. Prepare Administrative Draft EIR <br />To utilize time most efficiently, preparation of the technical studies would occur concurrently with preparation of <br />the Administrative Draft EIR. <br />ICF will prepare a fully edited Administrative Draft EIR for the City's review and comment. The Administrative Draft <br />EIR will include all of the required components as outlined in the CEQA Statutes and Guidelines and will <br />incorporate relevant case law and recent legislation. ICF will also consult with responsible agencies, review <br />available information, and prepare the appropriate analysis for the respective issues. <br />The EIR will focus on the potentially significant environmental impacts identified in the IS/NOP. The EIR will <br />synthesize the previously identified technical studies and provide a qualitative analysis of the other environmental <br />resource areas. The EIR will include a discussion of the existing conditions/affected environment, environmental <br />impacts, levels of significance of the impacts, and appropriate mitigation measures for each environmental <br />Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject <br />to the restriction on de title page of this proposal. <br />Page 15 <br />25G-27