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w The City applied for and received $1.5 million in funding from OCTA to develop a Master <br />Plan for the Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center (SARTC). |n March 2Ql[i the City <br />hired the iBl Group to prepare the plan. |B| has completed the draft conceptual design <br />and is working with staff to solicit feedback from various community and stakeholder <br />groups. The SARTC Master Plan is one of the key components of the Santa Ana-Garden <br />Grove Transit Vision. The goals for the SARTC Master Phan include: atnansportat|on <br />facility that integrates well with the surrounding community, provides new station areas <br />for different transit modes including the fixed guideway,, integrates land use and <br />transportation (TOD development), improves bus, pedestrian and bicycle access, and <br />creates an attractive, sustainable transportation facility with |ovv maintenance costs. <br />The study |s scheduled tobe completed on July l,2Ull. <br />Corn lete Minor Deferred Maintenance Projects in all Parks and Enhance Park Programs <br />Because the City ks built out, parks are a critical asset for our residents, providing place for the <br />oOmmrnumitv"s youth and families to enjoy nature and the outdoors. Santa Ana's parks are <br />extremely well used. With [educed City revenues, this is one priority that vviU be difficult to <br />fully address this fiscal yea[. Instead, our emphasis will be on maintaining green and dean <br />spaces, re-engineering rnuitip|e services so that they can still be offered to the public but with <br />less cost to the City and enhanced Park programs. Programs for FY 201I'2012 that will further <br />enhance the utility ofSanta Ana's parks and open space include the following: <br />m The proposed Capital Improvement Program includes park improvements in excess of <br />$8 million, which strongly address deferred maintenance including resurfacing Jerome <br />parking lot E\ Salvador and Jerome walkway reconstruction, Santiago roadway <br />reconstruction, security lighting improvements at Jerome Park Monte Vista School <br />Fencing, and Centennial Waterfowl Sanctuary. Additional park improvements include a <br />retaining vva|| at Dan Young Soccer Complex Field N4, and development of Willard <br />Intermediate Perk. Also, Parks and Recreation will take lead in improving the <br />Downtown's Fourth and French Plaza and a new park at McFadden/Orange. <br />� <br />In addition, the Parks Recreation and [onnrnunhw Services Agency is actively pursuing <br />grant funding to extend our bike trail system, such as Phase 2 of the Hower Street Bike <br />Trail, and a bike rest stop improvements at Maple/Occidental. We are also providing <br />fUnding for park improvements, and working with the Santa Ana Unified School' District <br />on additional joint use agreements for use of school sites, at Willard, Garfield, Monte <br />Vista and Roosevelt schools. <br />w The proposed budget maintains funding for youth surnnmer recreation programs and <br />Project PRIDE. Pork Ranger and field attendant services will continue for cornmmun1ty <br />youth sports organizations and funding for the senior lunch program and senior <br />transportation has been maintained. Partnerships with non-profits and leisure classes <br />will continue to be provided by instructors instead of City staff to ensure a variety of <br />programming for all ages continues. <br />Suez <br />