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0 A major emphasis of the last two years has been to enhance Library services 10 the <br />community. The successful tutoring program for youth is continuing through direct <br />federal fund|ngsupport. <br />0 'rhe Library has been able to obtain several grants that will enable it to enhance services <br />to the Community without impact on the General Fund. The largest of these 1s the <br />three-yea ��6B6,OO[iLauna8u���1 � Century Librarian grant from the federal Institute <br />for Museum and Library Services. The Library will provide opportunities for bilingual <br />teens and college-age young adults to learn about libraries and the library profession <br />and to pursue successful careers as librarians. In the first year of the grant, the library <br />has provided library employment and training for 20 high school and three college <br />students from the local community. The program will use long-term mmentoring and <br />employment to support the students into higher education. <br />w The California State Library awarded $28,000 to the Library for a project to train and <br />mentor a core of volunteer Youth Health Ambassadors to create bilingual health-related <br />videos for the community. <br />w <br />Two smaller grants from the State Library will enable Library staff to: l) support an <br />ongoing oral history program, Our lives, Our Histgry, \n which the library /s History Room <br />and teen volunteers interview residents of Santa Ana to record their place in 1he history <br />and heritage of the City, and; 2) through the "Skills to Work" program, provide the <br />community with an ongoing series of six biUn8ual classes in resume creation, online job <br />searching, and e-mail communication., as well as a Job Fair. <br />m The successful "Teen3pace° program at the Library successfully expanded as a satellite <br />initiative into the newly renovated Jerome Recreation Center. The TeenSpace at Jerome <br />will provide all of the amenities, programs, workshops, and computer access available at <br />the primary site in the Main library. <br />m <br />In addition, the Parks,� Recreation and Community Services, Agency is continuing its <br />partnership effort with the community to Build A Healthy Central Santa Ana through a <br />10-year community grant from The California Endowment. Through this effort PRCS4 <br />will continue to demonstrate its commitment to help neighborhood and school <br />environments support improved health and healthy youth development. <br />� <br />Santa Ana's Art in the Park program brings art into the cornrnunh« for all toenjoy. Art in <br />the Park encourages residents to collaborate with artists and creatively transform public <br />spaces. Murals and sculptures enhance Santa Ana's natural environments toeduce\e, <br />delight, and motivate. The art reflects thc experiences of the community and honors <br />their history, building legacy that future generations can cherish. Santa Ana is on a <br />quest to produce more art throughout the City. This is made possible hm donated funds <br />and thededicated work of neighborhood volunteers. <br />w The Santa Ana Zoo at Prentice Park has improved its ability to attract greater attendance <br />because of the recent improvements in the animal collection. The public is learning how <br />11 <br />